How safe is it to attempt to install a Socket A cooler (Volcano II) on a TBird that has no shock pads?

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
The TBird I bought from somebody here has had the shock pads removed, & I don't have a copper spacer. I should have an Alpha PAL & a spacer coming from 2Cooltek, but I'm getting impatient. It's been a week since I ordered it, & I still haven't received it. I can pick up the Thermaltake Volcano II for $15 around here, & I'm getting VERY tempted to buy one to use for now & keep it around in case I need it later.


Am I just asking to crush my core if I try to install it with no pads & no spacer? I'm not really fond of the idea of wrecking my TBird, but I've been without a computer at home since SUNDAY!


Viper GTS

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Nobody has any opinion on this? I need to decide, if I'm gonna get a heatsink I need to leave a message for my mom to get it for me...

Viper GTS


Golden Member
Aug 9, 2000
I have done what you have done, run without a spacer or pads for a while just to see how it would work (I have a duron 600, so losing it would only cost me about 45 bucks) I ran it at 600, normally I run it at 900. At 600 with no spacing methods available the processor was hotter than at 900 with a shim. So in my experiance I would not run a processor without the pads or a shim. Also, I may point out I was experimenting with a very low pressure clip. If your fan applies a lot of pressure, it is very likely you would break your processor.