You know, it could have been avoided had his parents or teachers paid more close attention to this and did something abiout it. One of his teachers denies bullying, does she even know what to look for? Most teachers in Elementary and Middle School don't even realise bullying when it happens 2 feet away from them. Had one of his teachers kept an eye out for him, she could have reported it, talked to him about it, or contacted someone who could help. Kids don't commit suicide after one instance of being bullied, instead its over a long period of time in which he must have had many teachers. The kid must have been in 5th or 6th grade. If he was on 5th, the teacher certainly should have noticed because he has the same teacher all day. In middle school, he'll have plenty of teachers he will see everyday and so some of them should have realised...
I really think schools need to do something about this. And also, if he was having many absent days, why not observe where he goes and what he does when hes not at school? My gosh.... this is really sad
Also, the mother and/or father should have taught him to 1: Ignore them or 2: Deal with it or 3: Speak very freely to them about it and see what can be done. Chances are the kid didn't tell his parents right away about it and kept it inside himself, otherwise if he told everything that happened and how he felt, his parents could send him to another school or home school him. I think this also results from the fact that some kids don't meet other kids their age when they are young and so developing social skills can become hard.