My fun theory is formatting a hard drive too often is related to an obcessive compulsive behavior. Some people feel that a format will clean the slate and installing the programs again will make sure everything is perfect. But they fail to realize that it is the programs that have flaws and which cause foul ups that's why there are so many updates, patches, and drivers. I think people get a false sense of disorganization so they are compeled to reformat. Once they reformat, they re-install the programs, use the computer and then reformat again?
I format the bare minimum because I have no CDRW to backup data, and I have 1 hard drive. So if I format it would be to upgrade my win98se, or if I got a new hard drive.
hehe JK, I reformat partitions of my hard drive all the time cause I like the feeling of cleanliness it gives me.