How much can I expect to overclock my PC?


Platinum Member
May 14, 2003
I would like to wring a bit more fps out of my PC in World of Warcraft and Oblivion. Even a 5-10% increase would be nice.
I know overclocking is a matter of trying it out, but about how much can I expect to wring out of it with the following hardware?

P4C 2,4 ghz with stock cooler
Microstar MS-6728 mainboard (also know as NEO-FIS2R, I believe)
Generic mamory, Dantec I think it is called
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro with a very nice Zalman cooler

I realize that this setup is not the best for overclocking, but I am not aiming for a huge speed increase.

Any bids for a realistic result. 15%?


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
Realisticly, unless you are playing at lower resolutions, you aren't going to get any big improvements without getting a new video card. As for overclocking, the 2.4c is a good overclocker. You'll have to use memory dividers to keep your ram in spec, but the 2.4c pretty typicaly hits 3ghz.