I hate leftovers. It's a ticking clock for bacteria, and then I'm compelled to eat them whether I want to or not. If I have leftovers for more than a day, I really screwed up.
Leftovers rule. I used to not be so much into them, but I don't like to spend a ton of time preparing my meals and I rarely eat out. Most of my meals involve some kind of leftovers. For example:
I just ate a meal that consisted of stew I made yesterday and refrigerated and one of the 6 dishes of custard + sliced bananas that I prepared and refrigerated this morning. I just pulled that stuff out of the fridge and one at a time, heated them in the microwave. Mmmm, delicious! And super quick!!!
I'll prepare a grain and refrigerate and heat up in the MWave, e.g. rice or quinoa.
The stew I made will keep for days, I make that stew all the time and I've yet to have it go bad. Rice will eventually get moldy, I guess, but I never seem to let it sit in the fridge that long.
The other day I made carmelized onions and refrigerated it in a jar for later. That stuff seems to keep for weeks, literally. I also make walnut pesto and refrigerate it. I had some get moldy on top and I just scooped out the mold and put the jar in the microwave for long enough to kill off any mold or spores (over 160 F), and put the jar back in the fridge. Tastes fine. I've done stuff like that lots of times and never felt ill effects. If there's a lingering smell of mold/fungus I'll toss it of course, but that's rare.
I bake my own bread, slice it and put 1/2 the sliced loaf in the freezer, the other 1/2 in the fridge. The latter will start to mold after maybe a week. If only slightly attacked by mold, I'll just toast it and eat it.
With all my habits of eating leftovers I can't remember getting sick once!