How many lawyers are there on AT? Just curious. Sound off if you know a member who is an attorney or even a student

Jul 1, 2000
Nope. Just want to know who else here wasted 3 years in law school, sat for a really nasty, rigorous bar exam, to take a job that is so mind-numbingly boring that they post on AT all day just in an effort, futile though it may be, to preserve what little sanity they have left.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: DevilsAdvocate
Nope. Just want to know who else here wasted 3 years in law school, sat for a really nasty, rigorous bar exam, to take a job that is so mind-numbingly boring that they post on AT all day just in an effort, futile though it may be, to preserve what little sanity they have left.

Somebody has a case of the mondays! Maybe you should take your red stapler and go home. :)


Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2002
My dad's an attorney...he said law school was like the easiest thing he ever did...he did not really have to go to any classes if he did not want all lead up to the bar. Now he's done pretty well for himself and stays real busy. What kind of attorney are you. I would think unless you get to atleast try trials it would be mind nummingly boreing.
Jul 1, 2000
Originally posted by: jonmullen
My dad's an attorney...he said law school was like the easiest thing he ever did...he did not really have to go to any classes if he did not want all lead up to the bar. Now he's done pretty well for himself and stays real busy. What kind of attorney are you. I would think unless you get to atleast try trials it would be mind nummingly boreing.

I'm a personal injury lawyer. I settle cases all try. I try jack. :)


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: DevilsAdvocate
Nope. Just want to know who else here wasted 3 years in law school, sat for a really nasty, rigorous bar exam, to take a job that is so mind-numbingly boring that they post on AT all day just in an effort, futile though it may be, to preserve what little sanity they have left.

Sounds like me, just a different profession.
Feb 10, 2000
The only reason I have not responded sooner is I am way too busy in my new job - I have moved over to the defense side. So far I really like it - it is a lot more interesting to me than prosecution (though I imagine at some point there is a burnout factor, if only due to the travel - I live in western WA, and have clients here, in eastern WA, CA, SD, UT, MT, and AZ). IMO the law is not per se boring - there are flavors to suit most kinds of personalities. For my part I think criminal work is the most interesting, but to each his own . . .