How many in here are familiar with Evangelicals?

Sep 12, 2004
I'm just wondering. I hear all this about how hard core and unforgiving Evangelicals are, yet that is not my experience. My next door neighbors are born-again Evangelical Christians. I'm sure they have their opinions about things, but they never bring them up and in the 2 years that I've known them. They are extremely nice people, will go out of their way to help, and have never once tried to convert me or preach to me.

Now I've met Pentacostals that are darn strange anda little wacky, but my experience with my neighbors and other Evangelicals don't jibe with the things said about them on this board.

So what say you?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
My next door neighbors are a Married Gay couple. I'm sure they have their opinions about things, but they never bring them up and in the 2 years that I've known them. They are extremely nice people, will go out of their way to help, and have never once tried to convert me or come on to me. In fact they do my GF's hair at a reduced rate and have offered to give us some pointers on how to redecorate our place!

my experience with my neighbors and other Gays don't jibe with the things said about them on this board.



Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
I say don't take certain people groups (Evangelicals) and try to put them all in the same pigeon hole.
Within every group you still have diversity.

It's like saying every Muslim wants our non muslim heads on a platter.

It's a lot easier to paint when you use a broad brush.


Nov 13, 2003
i have one or two back home... i make it a point to not get into discussions with them about politics or religion... they are usually cool about it... somethings anyway... im an atheist and they dont try to convert me or anything... however... their parents are completely different... ive had to bite my tounge around them so many freakin times... it wasnt even funny... i have a lot of friends who are not that also have parents like this... (might mention that im originally from a very small hickish town)... in my opinion too many of then are very hardcore and unforgiving... i made a mistake once or twice infront of them and i was almost crucified... believe me if you think liberals dont like the other peoples opinions... you should see evangelicals i know....

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001

A question to those who have known Evangelistas. Why is it every time you talk to them they always go "Hallelujah" , "Praise Jesus" or "Praise God"? Talking to them when they do that is real annoying and makes me very suspicious of their motives.


Jul 3, 2001
I'm from Alabama so I'm sure I've met plenty, but I don't make it a point to find out if they are 'evangelicals.'

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
I'm from Alabama so I'm sure I've met plenty, but I don't make it a point to find out if they are 'evangelicals.'
Does it bother you when they get uppity?


Golden Member
May 11, 2004
I've met a few around where I live. One I had the displeasure of talking to was voting for Bush because he thought support of abortion was worse than our soldiers dying in Iraq (seriously). He tried to lecture me out of my vote for Kerry.

Your neighbors give me hope that they aren't all like this, TLC


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
Do you guys know what "evangelical" means? I've heard the term alot lately, since the neolibs need to blame the election on someone. The party that is so quick to call everyone a bigot is quick to target a specific group of people and attack them.

An Evangelical is someone who preaches the Gospel. Pentecostal, fundamanetalist Christian or Holy Roller is something entirely different. I'm a Christian, and I have issues with fundamentalists.


Apr 28, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
My next door neighbors are a Married Gay couple. I'm sure they have their opinions about things, but they never bring them up and in the 2 years that I've known them. They are extremely nice people, will go out of their way to help, and have never once tried to convert me or come on to me. In fact they do my GF's hair at a reduced rate and have offered to give us some pointers on how to redecorate our place!

my experience with my neighbors and other Gays don't jibe with the things said about them on this board.
Good point.



Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
I'm from Alabama so I'm sure I've met plenty, but I don't make it a point to find out if they are 'evangelicals.'
Does it bother you when they get uppity?

Never had one get uppity at me. Sometimes people used to hang out at the edge of school property when I was in middle school or high school and try to hand out Bibles, but they were ok if you didn't want one. I had a weird cult that consisted of shaved-head women try to recruit me in Nashville at an IHOP, but nothing more crazy than that.

I've actually had more evangelicals go crazy at me in Boston and Las Vegas than Alabama or even Nashville. But I don't think that's really representative of Boston or Las Vegas. Those are the crazy people with signs such as "sports watchers will go to hell" and "mormons defy god" and other whacky things.


Jan 12, 2002
Don't forget that there evangelicals and/or born-agains on this forum. Sometimes they like to keep it on the down low though as to not appear completely biased. Start an evolution thread and after a while they will start to accumulate.


Oct 11, 1999
Damn younger sister & her husband took me to a Pentacostal service once...

I'd never even heard of people speaking in tongues in this day & age, I'm sitting there watching an asshat beg for money in a $1k suit, thinking "This place is fsked"

Then, everyone around me, including my sister & her husband started speaking in tongues.

After about a 30 second period of sheer & utter shock, and pinching myself to make sure I wasn't having an acid flashback, I realized what the hell was going on, then had to take another agonizing 10 seconds to consider if I was moved by the spirit & join in.

I elected not to & sat the fsck down, I've never forgiven my sister for that sh1t...


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Damn younger sister & her husband took me to a Pentacostal service once...

I'd never even heard of people speaking in tongues in this day & age, I'm sitting there watching an asshat beg for money in a $1k suit, thinking "This place is fsked"

Then, everyone around me, including my sister & her husband started speaking in tongues.

After about a 30 second period of sheer & utter shock, and pinching myself to make sure I wasn't having an acid flashback, I realized what the hell was going on, then had to take another agonizing 10 seconds to consider if I was moved by the spirit & join in.

I elected not to & sat the fsck down, I've never forgiven my sister for that sh1t...

wow, that's crazy, lol

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Damn younger sister & her husband took me to a Pentacostal service once...

I'd never even heard of people speaking in tongues in this day & age, I'm sitting there watching an asshat beg for money in a $1k suit, thinking "This place is fsked"

Then, everyone around me, including my sister & her husband started speaking in tongues.

After about a 30 second period of sheer & utter shock, and pinching myself to make sure I wasn't having an acid flashback, I realized what the hell was going on, then had to take another agonizing 10 seconds to consider if I was moved by the spirit & join in.

I elected not to & sat the fsck down, I've never forgiven my sister for that sh1t...
Did they serve Kool Aid before the service?



Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
I'm just wondering. I hear all this about how hard core and unforgiving Evangelicals are, yet that is not my experience. My next door neighbors are born-again Evangelical Christians. I'm sure they have their opinions about things, but they never bring them up and in the 2 years that I've known them. They are extremely nice people, will go out of their way to help, and have never once tried to convert me or preach to me.

Now I've met Pentacostals that are darn strange anda little wacky, but my experience with my neighbors and other Evangelicals don't jibe with the things said about them on this board.

So what say you?
Even when the members of a group tend to behave in certain ways, individuals behave individually. Stereotypes are never reliable predictors of individual behavior.


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

I elected not to & sat the fsck down, I've never forgiven my sister for that sh1t...
Did they serve Kool Aid before the service?


Sure felt like it @ the time, but it didn't last, so I don't think they spiked it.

I also got to see them healed:(


Jul 25, 2002
While in High School circa '58 - 61' Several of my classmates were of a rather, shall we say
focused gospel students, organizing lunch time prayers and such. Very nice kids, but verry
insistant on coming to the monthy revivals. That was quite a scene, there is am air of surrealism
when FourSquare gets together for a coming to Jesus - it becomes a psychological feeding frenzy.

Wife's Brother was of a deep religious nature, truly a good man, did a Jusus Radio Music Show
for in the name of the Church every wekend. Pretty good really. nice convincing voice and
all the belivable sweetnesss to Jesus in the world. Rest his soul, a good man.

Friends in California were heavy Pentecostal, 'Rollin' for Jesus' people - good as can be, talked in tounges
and new all the code words. Tap that forhead and watch them crumble spirt took them to their knees.
I attended services with them many times, it was like going to the 'Believers Circus' - old fassion Tent Revivals
are always a spectacular event - there is a Emotional High, a real intense Halaluia atmosphere.

Neighbors in Orlando, came in from Columbia, Missionaries - of the Magazine Subscription type, you
could get both a WatchTower and Awake free with every visit. Jehovas Witness gatheringhouse
for their mission of walking door to door selling thier love to Jahova. They had been emergency evacuated from Columbia, as their contact with the locals had become a little too CIA centric for a God Group. They were targeted by South American Insurgents, and the State Department got them out safely. The whole time they lived there through all the meetings at their house and the witnesses
going forth to tell their story - they never once had anyone who came to our house, they don't bother
their direct neighbors, and the deciples leave the closest houses alone - they don't bug their neighbors.
March of '89 I came home from the Gaternationals to find the street blocked off and my house inaccessable -
they as was I, had our homes surrounded by Firetrucks, no damage to mine, but their house was toast.
The girl's during Daddys absence helped Mom start a fire in the fireplace - with gasoline, when the fireplace lit of like a 200 MM Howitzer, the can of gas caught fire - so the threw it out the back door
onto the covered and enclosed patio. 'Nuff said, they burned down pretty bad, amazing damage.
The family of 8 and their entarage of 6 'Latin Visitors' were out of there.

Now all those experiences that I shared with these friends were good for them, and I felt inspired as well,but I never tried to influence their opinions, pushed my thoughts and feeling on them, and I respect their form of worship and devotion to their dieties, which I hope brings them peace.

But I deserve the same respect that I give them - I don't tell them how to live, where to live, and who
to live with. They are free to do as they like with their lives - but they have no right to even think about
telling me what I can see, say, or do - I expect a right to my privacy, and do not appreciate their forcing
their narrowminded views of the world on me.

I work with some daily, I respect their point of view - they know it, and they respect mine.

Well, what do you think ? Familiar with Evangelicals ?
Threat or Menace ?



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
My parents are the typical "born again" type--even sent me off to private christian school in jr and high school. Religion did nothing for me then, and does nothing for me now.

Odd though. Me and my secular friends all voted for Bush and against the ballot measure banning gay marriages. The rest of my state, yes, a BLUE state (Michigan) passed the gay marriage ban overwhelmingly. Even 51% of the 18-29 year olds voted to ban gay marriage.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: conjur
I've worked with them and I have them in my family.


Here is Websters Take on the word Evangelical:

Main Entry: evan·gel·i·cal
Pronunciation: "E-"van-'je-li-k&l, "e-v&n-
Variant(s): also evan·gel·ic /-ik/
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, or being in agreement with the Christian gospel especially as it is presented in the four Gospels
3 : emphasizing salvation by faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ through personal conversion, the authority of Scripture, and the importance of preaching as contrasted with ritual
4 a capitalized : of or relating to the Evangelical Church in Germany b often capitalized : of, adhering to, or marked by fundamentalism : FUNDAMENTALIST c often capitalized : LOW CHURCH
5 : marked by militant or crusading zeal : EVANGELISTIC <the evangelical ardor of the movement's leaders -- Amos Vogel>
- Evan·gel·i·cal·ism /-li-k&amp;-"li-z&amp;m/ noun
- evan·gel·i·cal·ly /-li-k(&amp;-)lE/ adverb

I would say I fit if you use meaning 1
I would say I fit if you use meaning 2, by being a Lutheran
I would say I fit if you use meaning 3, by believing that its a personal relationship.

4 does not apply to me.
5 does not apply to me.

Not all Christians preach that everyone is going to hell because they dont fit some mold...remember Mary Magdelan, remember the tax collector vs the pharisee, remember the guy next to him on the cross, who said remember me in heaven, and jesus said it would be done.

I know your thoughts on Jesus...but remember, how can a man be human who preached so much love and meant it. Remember its man who took that same message of love and twisted it.

I'd be willing to bet that you would see Jesus let in a whole bunch of gays before he would let in a guy like Jimmy Swaggert...but if Jimmy repented for his might see him too.

its up to God to judge, not us to judge


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Damn younger sister &amp; her husband took me to a Pentacostal service once...

I'd never even heard of people speaking in tongues in this day &amp; age, I'm sitting there watching an asshat beg for money in a $1k suit, thinking "This place is fsked"

Then, everyone around me, including my sister &amp; her husband started speaking in tongues.

After about a 30 second period of sheer &amp; utter shock, and pinching myself to make sure I wasn't having an acid flashback, I realized what the hell was going on, then had to take another agonizing 10 seconds to consider if I was moved by the spirit &amp; join in.

I elected not to &amp; sat the fsck down, I've never forgiven my sister for that sh1t...

yeah, someone took me to one once too. That's some weird sh!t. I felt sorry for them. So lost, looking for answers. And I say that as a Christian!


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Yes, that's the main problem with most evangelicals, they are so darn nice. Disgusting, that....

But being nice, does not mean their ideas are harmless.
