Everyone seems to have a different number in mind. I think that 1/3 to 1/2 of the people in our society are idiots. A buddy of mine thinks the number is 3/4. Another buddy is sticking with 1/4. What do you think?
I'd say about half, but I guess it depends on your definition of an idiot. I guess everyone is an idiot at some point in their lives, its just some people decide to stay that way.
I really do think that our modern society has taken Darwinism out of the picture. WE save the weak and strupid from themselves. In any other time they would have died. Now they just drive slow in the left lane with their blinkers on.
As a matter of statistics: 90%. When they are coming to see me at work (see sig) that number screams to 99%. The 1% that cannot even talk actually has an emergency and i cannot tell if they are stupid or not.
20-30%. Not being interested in knowing how cheap x86 microcomputers work(even if they're AMD-powered), or driving slow for my taste don't automatically make them idiots.
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