How long should it take to network a school?


Jun 13, 2003
putting ~32 network ports into every classroom (48 in computer labs). There are already Cisco 48 port switches sitting in the ceiling over most rooms. The boxes and conduit are already on the wall. The wire is already in the conduit. All this went in in one week. And I go up to one of the guys finishing up the work and ask when they're gonna finish. He goes "March."

WTF? They're just using normal Quickport network jacks that you would buy at CompUSA (Granted, they're $10 a pop). I've installed 16 of those in under 2 hours, and I was working alone. One of them should be able to finish two classrooms in a day, and with one person working PERIOD, it's only like a month before all is done.

Oh yeah, and all this work was supposed to be done over the summer. They got lazy and started two weeks ago.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2001
How much other work do they have to do, how many other schools are there, and when was the project slated to be done?

These are all factors that affect why it's not done.



Jun 13, 2003
Originally posted by: ggavinmoss
How much other work do they have to do, how many other schools are there, and when was the project slated to be done?

These are all factors that affect why it's not done.


No other work, no other schools , slated to be finished August 1st, started Auguty 31st.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2001
It's a contract. It's not that they can't finish sooner, it's just that they are contracted to finish at a certain date more than likely.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2001
There's other stuff that goes into it. Are they laying in new fiber lines or are they already there? How many buildings are going to be wired. Is all of the hardware there? When does the ISP contract start? Does the old wiring need to be pulled out and replaced? Is there going to be some process to restrict access and does every computer on the network have to be registered? Did the administration push the project back for budget reasons? Are they waiting for an old ISP contract to expire before they switch providers?



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Assuming it's a public school, it's a government contract.
That means it will take twice as long, cost twice as much, and be done half as well.
They can afford to take their time, log tons of hours, and keep their workers employed way longer than needed.


Jun 13, 2003
Originally posted by: compudog
It's a contract. It's not that they can't finish sooner, it's just that they are contracted to finish at a certain date more than likely.

Not contractors - those wankers are doing the parking lot. These are actually school employees. 3 network admins whose only purpose appears to be playing LAN games in their little closet and making up excuses for why they can't fix the computers in the Comp Sci lab to allow us to compile (Heh, the only reason that class is still running is because I was able to hack my way around it)


Jun 13, 2003
Originally posted by: Savij
There's other stuff that goes into it. Are they laying in new fiber lines or are they already there? How many buildings are going to be wired. Is all of the hardware there? When does the ISP contract start? Does the old wiring need to be pulled out and replaced? Is there going to be some process to restrict access and does every computer on the network have to be registered? Did the administration push the project back for budget reasons? Are they waiting for an old ISP contract to expire before they switch providers?


Using the same ISP - a cable line direct for fallback, and a direct connection to the county for primary access. All the access hardware is there, all the switches seem to be present, they're actually USING the old hardware and wiring (Which is why I'm complaining - there's no network PERIOD). Everything's handled by DHCP (since the servers are the same, and the intent is to allow student connections with lappys anyway), and the county-owned computers are already imaged with their "security" (which normally tends to be an impedence to normal use instead of keeping you out of mischief)


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2001
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Originally posted by: ggavinmoss
How much other work do they have to do, how many other schools are there, and when was the project slated to be done?

These are all factors that affect why it's not done.


No other work, no other schools , slated to be finished August 1st, started Auguty 31st.

Ok then, so long as all factors are taken into consideration... the bastards are lazy.




Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Originally posted by: compudog
It's a contract. It's not that they can't finish sooner, it's just that they are contracted to finish at a certain date more than likely.

Not contractors - those wankers are doing the parking lot. These are actually school employees. 3 network admins whose only purpose appears to be playing LAN games in their little closet and making up excuses for why they can't fix the computers in the Comp Sci lab to allow us to compile (Heh, the only reason that class is still running is because I was able to hack my way around it)

Even better, they are public employees.
You know how hard it is to fire a public school employee?
Even if they are sitting on their a$$es doing nothing, it would take months of fighting the union to get rid of them.
So yeah, they are lazy. They figure they've got the jobs already and they are just going to sit around and play games.



Jun 13, 2003
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Originally posted by: compudog
It's a contract. It's not that they can't finish sooner, it's just that they are contracted to finish at a certain date more than likely.

Not contractors - those wankers are doing the parking lot. These are actually school employees. 3 network admins whose only purpose appears to be playing LAN games in their little closet and making up excuses for why they can't fix the computers in the Comp Sci lab to allow us to compile (Heh, the only reason that class is still running is because I was able to hack my way around it)

Even better, they are public employees.
You know how hard it is to fire a public school employee?
Even if they are sitting on their a$$es doing nothing, it would take months of fighting the union to get rid of them.
So yeah, they are lazy. They figure they've got the jobs already and they are just going to sit around and play games.

I should join one of their games some time after they figure out how to use a punch tool and read color coded labels. Or better yet, get the entire A/V lab staffed up with some players and fvck them up.