how is jack3d in your opinion, and can it help me lose weight ?

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Platinum Member
May 26, 2005
I have a couple of friends who have been taken jack3d lately, and have gotten stronger, and bigger over the past couple of months. I took it once, in which i felt energetic, and just in a different mode, in which i was able to workout without getting burnt out for a extended period of time.

In october-november i was going on the elliptical every single day for about 45-50 mins, burning 600 cals, and did 4 miles. I ended up losing about 5-6 pounds. I got bronchitis afterward, in which i got lazy as hell. Right now i am trying to get back into the gym, and have been working late, but need to put that time in somehow. I have been eating more fruits as well.

I want to have that energy and motivation when i go on the elliptical, and then also lift some weight as well. I liked it, in fact, loved the feeling i got out of the product.

I would like your opinions on it, and if it would help or not ? Thanks


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2005
Prioritizing lifting over elliptical training will give you better results that you want in the long run. Jack3d is composed of caffeine, L-arginine, and creatine...if memory serves me correctly. If I understand its use correctly, the L-arginine transforms/turns in (not sure about this) Nitric Oxide which expands the blood vessels in your body (vasodialation) and the caffeine stimulates you to increase your heart rate to allow more blood flow to said blood vessels for a bigger pump. The creatine helps hold water in your muscle but I don't understand the action of creatine that well.

That being said, I've used Jack3d before and I think it's a fantastic product for mass gaining and endurance training...but not so sure about using it for burning calories. I would not use a supplement as a crutch to accelerate your fitness level as a lot of people try to do with pre and post work out supplements (IE: quick fix pills/powders). If you are serious about losing weight, I would focus on making sure what you are eating daily is #1 on your list and using weight training as a supplement to aid in weight loss and help with overall health. And as always, make sure to read the sticky above, which has loads of information about fat loss. Cheers!
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