How good is the Geforce MX graphics?

Jeff H

Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
formulav8, yesterday I installed the Hercules Prophet II MX retail card in my Abit BH6/P!!!-650 system. The Hercules card replaced a Leadtek TNT2 Ultra card, and by my observation both the MX's 2D and 3D is improved over the TNT2 Ultra card. The Leadtek card replaced a Hercules Thriller 3D 8MB PCI card, and the Rendition v2200 based cards are generally accepted as having some of the best 2D available, and good 3D - for their time <g>.

Compared to the Thriller, the TNT2 Ultra's 2D was inferior, and it's good to see that the MX has 2D on a par w/ the Thriller. And, the 3D capability (albiet w/ little testing on my part thus far) of the MX is quite good for a $150 card. From what I've read, the MX's 2D capability is controlled by the filtering circuitry on the video card. Reportedly the Hercules card, along w/ the Asus V7100 cards, have the best 2D. 3D is much more even amongst the available cards on the market.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2000
hey jeff,
have you overclocked your card? i have friends that have gotten their card to 220/230 the max possible with the nvidia drivers. Unfortunately, I have the OEM version and I've only been to 232/223 but with the nvidia drivers i was only at 210/220.

Jeff H

Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Quickfingerz wrote:

> have you overclocked your card?

No, I haven't gotten around to that yet. I just installed the card two days ago, and yesterday I swapped out the system memory (two Mushkin Samsung GH CAS2 64MB SDRAM sticks) for a Samsung CAS2 PC133 128MB stick (got a good price on the 133 stick). Then I swapped out my p.s. for an Enermax 330w box.

B4 I do any vid card o/c'ing I want to put a fan on the blue heatsink. When I get around to doing that I'll let this thread now what results.