formulav8, yesterday I installed the Hercules Prophet II MX retail card in my Abit BH6/P!!!-650 system. The Hercules card replaced a Leadtek TNT2 Ultra card, and by my observation both the MX's 2D and 3D is improved over the TNT2 Ultra card. The Leadtek card replaced a Hercules Thriller 3D 8MB PCI card, and the Rendition v2200 based cards are generally accepted as having some of the best 2D available, and good 3D - for their time <g>.
Compared to the Thriller, the TNT2 Ultra's 2D was inferior, and it's good to see that the MX has 2D on a par w/ the Thriller. And, the 3D capability (albiet w/ little testing on my part thus far) of the MX is quite good for a $150 card. From what I've read, the MX's 2D capability is controlled by the filtering circuitry on the video card. Reportedly the Hercules card, along w/ the Asus V7100 cards, have the best 2D. 3D is much more even amongst the available cards on the market.