Alright, I have an AMD K6-2+ 500 proccessor (that's a K6-2 + not K6-2) and I'm trying to get it up to 600. (People have done it,, dont think i'm crazy) It's .18microns and runs default at 2.1, and so far i can get it to run 577 @ 2.1v (105x5.5). Once i get to 600 though, (100X6.0) it starts losing stability, so i up to 2.2v still problems. Now I'm at 2.3 and still it seems woozy. For Cooling i have a Golden Orb literally oozing with thermal grease. Right now CPU temp is stable around 54C, should I go to 2.4? If I do, what risks am I taking?
Please help!
Please help!