How far should I up the voltage for my K6-2+?


Senior member
Jul 18, 2000
Alright, I have an AMD K6-2+ 500 proccessor (that's a K6-2 + not K6-2) and I'm trying to get it up to 600. (People have done it,, dont think i'm crazy) It's .18microns and runs default at 2.1, and so far i can get it to run 577 @ 2.1v (105x5.5). Once i get to 600 though, (100X6.0) it starts losing stability, so i up to 2.2v still problems. Now I'm at 2.3 and still it seems woozy. For Cooling i have a Golden Orb literally oozing with thermal grease. Right now CPU temp is stable around 54C, should I go to 2.4? If I do, what risks am I taking?
Please help!:confused:


Golden Member
Mar 20, 2000
Get something a little better than a Golden Orb(alpha PAL6035, etc), put some Artic Silver (a THIN layer) in between it and the proc... then go 2.4-2.5, temp seems to be very high for a K6 chip, 54C, so use better cooling and then try upping voltage more.... also, you may want to try to get higher FSB before higher multipliers... ie 5.5 x 112 for 616 or something a little less, 5.5x110 or so.... let us know how it goes!


Senior member
Jun 9, 2001
actually, I believe 2.0v core is "default" for the k6+ procs.;)

54C is kinda warm also. my k6-3+@600(6x100, 2.0v core) never saw more than 44C. that was 100% cpu useage and 90F(32C) room temp. this was also the only time my 'puter froze.! I backed down to 550 and actually managed to get my temp up to 45C no problems what so ever.
I could duplicate simular results. running @600 when my temp got to 43C I would start to get artifacts on a into movie to a game(civ2 tot), when I got the temp under 41C or 40C the artifacts went away. this was on a Epox mvp3g5 mb. my hs/fan was a "comp usa clip rack item($11.99?)"and radio shack thermal compound.

?literally oozing with thermal grease<---this might be a problem. clean up the compound and apply a thin layer.;)

what is the idle/full load temps? mine varied(difference between the 2 temps) ~6C @450(stock) and 11C @600.

also do you have any case cooling? if you have a small case w/1 or 2 cds and a 1 or 2 HDs working it can create quite a bit of heat build up.

hope some of this helps.:)


Senior member
Jul 18, 2000
Okie, i'm gonna try to get myself a better sink/fan and some conducting liquid. As for the temp, i'm not sure my mobo sensor is very accurate. Right now im on 550 110X5 2.1 and it's registering as 50C. With my old bios code that didnt reconize the K6-2+, it would say it was at 70C on start, once i get the new bios in it starts at like 40C. So right now im not that sure what my temp is. Ive got one HD 1 cd in a mid size case and all the sidings on the back punched out, so ventiing is no problem. And a Gorb really should help keep the temp down marginaly, i dont think its really at 54, any way i can really find out? Thanks


Senior member
Jun 9, 2001
are you useing a monitoring program? if so what? I recommend CPUcool.

mb sensors can be inaccurate, but they give you a good "baseline" to work with.

what are your temps running stock mhz and volts.?

btw-k6(+) cpu's love/need fsb increase.;):cool: ie:5x110 will run faster than 5.5x100. this is a general rule for all systems but especially k6 systems.