<< I watch them on my TV with my regular DVD player. Watching DVD's on the comp sucks! IMO.. >>
I agree 100%. I can't stand grainy pixelated DVD images that computers produce, if you haven't compared a set-top player to the computer, you don't know what you're missing.
Used to watch them on my computer, but then I started buying them and got tired of sitting down in front of my 19" to watch movies so I bought a separate player to go with the Wega
Same here, all on my puter til I can afford a nice HDTV. I don't wanna compramise on DVD player or the output medium... so i'm content with the 17" monitor for now.
In the future, I'll be hooking up my puter to the HDTV with my infinite library of DivX
i built a computer for my uncle this past winter break and he was asking about a dvd-rom drive...i was like wth for? you have a dvd player in your family room with a 36in wega xbr and a fat home theater setup...you want to watch movies on this $hitty 17in monitor? actually the monitor is nice, but you get the point
yeah, used to watch on the pc, but then saw some on a widescreen tv, and thought other wise, now my folks got a set top, but they confiscated my CAmbridge FPS 2000...
Set top's are nice, but does any one get funny play back from the dvd of the Saint?
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