H Hani Senior member Jul 10, 2001 217 0 0 Sep 9, 2001 #1 Hello, Can someone please tell me how to find out the number of FPS in UT? Oh, and on a side note, how the hell am I supposed to win in the last challange mission? That guys what's-his-name isn't an easy enemy...
Hello, Can someone please tell me how to find out the number of FPS in UT? Oh, and on a side note, how the hell am I supposed to win in the last challange mission? That guys what's-his-name isn't an easy enemy...
H holycow Senior member Feb 28, 2001 330 0 0 Sep 9, 2001 #2 << Hello, Can someone please tell me how to find out the number of FPS in UT? Oh, and on a side note, how the hell am I supposed to win in the last challange mission? That guys what's-his-name isn't an easy enemy... >> go to the console using the tilda key(~) then type "timedemo 1"(without quotation).. you'll see your frame rate..
<< Hello, Can someone please tell me how to find out the number of FPS in UT? Oh, and on a side note, how the hell am I supposed to win in the last challange mission? That guys what's-his-name isn't an easy enemy... >> go to the console using the tilda key(~) then type "timedemo 1"(without quotation).. you'll see your frame rate..
M MustPost Golden Member May 30, 2001 1,923 0 0 Sep 9, 2001 #4 or just go to tools or whatever in the GUI and click timedemo