<<Saying that its all palistinians fault, Israel has nothing to do with the problem and nothing can be done unless "they" do the right thing. Sorry but that is just stupid and ignorant. >>
Israel is part of the problem, but unlike you Czar I think the people of Israel WANT peace. They do keep trying and retrying and doing everything they can to have peace. If they didn't want peace they would have never signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. They are also a democracy that is guided by public opinion, and their public keeps getting blown up! Palestine on the otherhand isn't a democracy, it's "leaders" are the PLO, an organization that was chartered to throw Israel into the sea.
The Palestinian ambasador was on TV the other night and the TV reporter was asking questions and you know what the palestinian kept bringing up? That Israel shouldn't exist. Do you know what the reporter told him? Get over it, Israel exists, what are you going to do to stop the violence? Do you know what he said in reply? That Israel shouldn't exist. The guy was a broken record that doesn't accept reality!
I honestly believe that by their actions and their words the PLO does NOT desire peace with Israel. They still think they can beat them and kill all the Jews. It's a fundemental denial of reality. I have seen NO evidence that ANY majority of the palestinians feel ANY differently. In fact I have seen the opposite, palestinians cheering the cold blooded murder of an Israel soldier held in a prison by PLO. Palestinians cheering in the streets after suicide bombings and after the attack on the US.
Instead of speaking with such fire and no evidence Czar, why don't you show me evidence that the majority of palestinians want peace with Israel, that they accept the existance of Israel and wish to live in harmony with them. Show me that evidence and I will believe that it's the extremists on both sides that should be tossed in the ocean and everyone else would get along.