How do you get rid of stretch marks

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Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Ok I gained 50lbs in a 2 month period. This has caused some very ugly stretch marks. How do I get rid of them. Will they fad if I loose the weight. I am already on a semi workout routine. Still working the kinks out of it and waiting to hear a response to another post I made.

Back to this post. Like I said I gained 50lbs in 2 months. This has caused some ugly ass stretch marks. How do I get rid of them. I am hoping if I loose the weight they will be gone but I dont know. I have never had stretch marks before. I searched Google and all it came up with was a bunch of cremes. Is that what I need to use or is that just a selling gimic for corporations to make money.

Thanks for all the help guys its much appreciated.
I know on google somewhere they have the right answer but searching through all the bs corporate products is beyond a pain. They have 20 pages of cremes out there and I don t trust any of them. I trust what you guys say to me.
Anandtech isnt great the people t hat make up anandtech are great. And I have learned to trust you guys.


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
I can't say for sure for you. However, for me when I went from 240 to 190 they went away over a few months on their own. The younger you are the quicker they go away I believe also.

Everyone is different, so try to just by losing the weight first.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Ok thanks for the reply. I was hoping that would be the answer just loosing weight. Thanks a ton. Woot Im happy now


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
As they say results may vary tho :) But being it's 50 it shouldbt be bad, but that depends where you started too.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
I started at any where from 150-165lbs. I usually jump from weight to weight. right now I am at 205ish. So I need to loose at least 35lbs to be happy with my weight. Then another 5-15lbs to be where I was at before I gained all this weight.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2007
50lbs in two months? WTF? I can't help but ask how in hell did you manage that?

Seriously, thats 175,000 excess calories in ~60 days. Assuming a regular 2000 cal/day bmr that would be 295,000 calories eaten in 2 months or roughly 5000 a day.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Seriously, thats 175,000 excess calories in ~60 days. Assuming a regular 2000 cal/day bmr that would be 295,000 calories eaten in 2 months or roughly 5000 a day.

It was 2-3 months I went from 160 to 205. Now Im hoping to loose it in 3 months time.
I ate icecream with a cub of hotfudge and a very sedentary life style. I was bed ridden for most of it. So i wasnt burning any calories. plus a ton of sugar in my diet. I have huge stretch marks to prove it just look at my online workout journal and you will see them
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Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
I got stretch marks way back during my freshman year of high school from football workouts. I put a lot of muscle on very must have started with practically none, because I had 3 HUGE and ugly horizontal lines on my lower/mid back that stayed there for several years. They finally just went away, but I had gotten used to them, so I really didn't notice exactly when it happened. I'm pretty sure they were there throughout high school and into my college years.

So yeah...mileage may vary, but it seems like they can go away after a while.
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