I'm currently a member, upgraded one day for no particular reason from a junior member. But most people are either Senior members, gold members, elite members, and whatnot. How do you get these ranks?
In addition to that list, Elite Member status is given on a person to person basis to those who the moderators feel are a valuable asset to the forums. This rank isn't based on the number of posts you make, but more on the overall quality of your posts and your character.
There are a lot of Rank members on this board. If you want to be more Rank go to off topic and post a lot of drivel you will be among the rankest on the board.
Just go postal and post 35 times or more a day like our resident trolls.
Or bump ^ every threads in forums.anandtech once or twice per day that will give you 200~300 post to your credit a day...In a few weeks you will surpass the current stat trolls
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