D DaWhim Lifer Feb 3, 2003 12,985 1 81 Sep 17, 2003 #1 I am talking about blocking all the ports in router
S spidey07 No Lifer Aug 4, 2000 65,469 5 76 Sep 17, 2003 #3 Different programs use different ports. Unfortunately most of them can use port 80 (http) to get their stuff. There are more intelligent solutions out there but they are quite expensive.
Different programs use different ports. Unfortunately most of them can use port 80 (http) to get their stuff. There are more intelligent solutions out there but they are quite expensive.
B buleyb Golden Member Aug 12, 2002 1,301 0 0 Sep 17, 2003 #4 can you give us a scale of the network size you are on? It is easy for home networks, but I think I could help more if we narrow down the field a bit
can you give us a scale of the network size you are on? It is easy for home networks, but I think I could help more if we narrow down the field a bit
M martind1 Senior member Jul 3, 2003 777 0 0 Sep 17, 2003 #5 i think two hands to the chest should do the trick.
G Goosemaster Lifer Apr 10, 2001 48,775 3 81 Sep 17, 2003 #6 bandwidth limiting would be the easiest thing. EDIT: and blocking all the major p2p ports..unless your peoples know what they're doing in which case that will do jack shat
bandwidth limiting would be the easiest thing. EDIT: and blocking all the major p2p ports..unless your peoples know what they're doing in which case that will do jack shat