FreeSCO works nicely, and even better from a CF card than from a floppy.
It was easy to set up using a PC Engines
flash card to IDE connector adapter. I got a 32 meg card for room to expand, but an 8 meg would work fine. The cards are dirt cheap.
Just plug in the adapter w. flash card and boot from a DOS boot floppy, run ideinfo.exe (search on google or download from and write down the partition info.
I just added ideinfo.exe to a standard DOS boot disk instead of using the LRP floppies.
Enter the parameters from ideinfo.exe manually if your BIOS does not detect the same values
Delete original partitions on the CF card and repartition with fdisk, then format with the DOS disk.
Reboot with previously configured FreeSCO floppy and execute move2hdd.
If you want to set up your CF card in another computer before taking down your FreeSCO box to plug it in, do NOT have your network interface set up for DHCP or the FreeSCO boot process will hang "waiting for dhcpoffer".
Run setup per FreeSCO manual after moving to CF card to correct this, and remember to set the swapfile size to zero so it won't write excessively to the CF card.
To avoid having to manually run router.bat after reboot, rename router.bat to autoexec.bat after booting to a DOS prompt.
It boots much faster from CF than floppy especially if you turn off "floppy seek" in the BIOS and set it to boot from C: first.