Save QuickTime movies
Steve from Madison, Wisconsin, called looking for a way to save a QuickTime movie. QuickTime is Apple's technology for distributing audio and video files.
Steve, first try to watch or listen to the file using your browser. When the file is finished downloading, right-click the movie window and choose "Save as QuickTime movie." This should bring up a dialog box asking you where you'd like to save the file.
If you don't see the option to save the file to your hard drive, use this workaround:
1. Open your Control Panel and double-click the QuickTime icon.
2. Set the pull-down menu to "Browser plug-in" and place a checkmark next to "Save movies in disc cache."
3. Close the QuickTime settings menu.
From now on, every QuickTime movie you watch will be stored in your Temporary Internet folder until it's written over with new data.
Here's how to retrieve a QuickTime movie from your Temporary Internet folder:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click on Tools and then Internet Options.
3. Click the General tab and then Settings under Temporary Internet Folder.
4. Click the View Files button.
5. Sort the list by "Last Accessed." The QuickTime movie should be at the top (or bottom) of the list.
6. Drag and drop the movie to your desktop.