H h2sammo Senior member Dec 12, 2000 214 0 0 May 3, 2002 #1 pls let me know. im really lost here:disgust::|
H h2sammo Senior member Dec 12, 2000 214 0 0 May 3, 2002 #2 arrrrrrrgh solved it already boot disk :disgust::|:Q:frown:
adlep Diamond Member Mar 25, 2001 5,287 6 81 May 3, 2002 #3 www.bootdisk.com or start-> settings -> control panel -> add remove programs -> click on startup disk tab -> make the startup disk -> enjoy
www.bootdisk.com or start-> settings -> control panel -> add remove programs -> click on startup disk tab -> make the startup disk -> enjoy
N nihil Golden Member Feb 13, 2002 1,479 0 0 May 3, 2002 #4 << www.bootdisk.com or start-> settings -> control panel -> add remove programs -> click on startup disk tab -> make the startup disk -> enjoy >> is there a way to do this in dos?
<< www.bootdisk.com or start-> settings -> control panel -> add remove programs -> click on startup disk tab -> make the startup disk -> enjoy >> is there a way to do this in dos?
S slackware1995 Member Apr 4, 2002 109 0 0 May 3, 2002 #5 sure: format a: /s or format b: /s Works upto WinME.. argh
N nihil Golden Member Feb 13, 2002 1,479 0 0 May 3, 2002 #6 << sure: format a: /s or format b: /s Works upto WinME.. argh >> yea i thought it was something like that. just couldn't remember. thanks dude.
<< sure: format a: /s or format b: /s Works upto WinME.. argh >> yea i thought it was something like that. just couldn't remember. thanks dude.
S slackware1995 Member Apr 4, 2002 109 0 0 May 4, 2002 #8 << Actually, WinMe removed support for /s. >> Sorry, that's what I ment by the "argh"
B bozo1 Diamond Member May 21, 2001 6,364 0 0 May 4, 2002 #9 IC I assumed yours was just a general ARGH directed at WinMe, which I agree.
S slackware1995 Member Apr 4, 2002 109 0 0 May 4, 2002 #10 << IC I assumed yours was just a general ARGH directed at WinMe, which I agree. >> That too.. lmfao