How do i ghost a WinXP NTFS drive?


Senior member
Aug 29, 2000
I have a 30gb drive im using now for windows xp. I just ordered a faster 40gb drive and i want to put the 30gb drive on the 40gb. norton ghost 2001 doesnt work with Windowsxp but it does work with win2k's ntfs format.

So I have a shareware application called dolly that will copy the sectors of one drive to the other. But how would I format the drive in NTFS for windows XP? I guess i can run the xp setup and do it in there but I'm not so sure that that is a great idea.

If anyone could help me out then please do so.




Senior member
Sep 13, 2001
partition magic 7.0 supports NTFS 3.1 while w2k is NTFS 3.0
get that then you can format it to NTFS


Senior member
Jul 25, 2000
I have Power Quest's DriveCopy 3.0 program. With it you can backup to another drive and clone it with no problems. DriveCopy will simply resize the partitions to fit the hard drive's size.

DriveCopy 3.0 comes on two floppy disks. You boot up with its disk #1. After it boots up you put in Disk #2 and wait for it to check out your drives. A simple to use graphical menu pops up on your DOS screen. Follow the on screen prompts. If you do not want the disk partitions you copied from to be hidden then click on the ADVANCED button and tell it to not hide the partitions on the drive you are copying from. Then the program starts copying one hard drive to the other without out anymore user input. Just let it do its job automatically.

DriveCopy 3.0 works great with Win ME and 98 SE. Haven't tried it on Win95. :)