How do I get my USB mouse working using the USB connection?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm trying to use MS optical without the adapter cable.

Also have a USB keyboard.



Senior member
Oct 20, 1999
Good Luck. I never did get my MS Optical Mouse to work properly on my VIA chipset Super7 motherboard. It would install OK while in Windows, and it would work fine until I rebooted. Upon reboot, Windows would not see the USB mouse. I tried everything I could think of to get it to work, and finally gave up trying. I just use the PS2 adapter. Besides, PS2 mice work in in DOS or safe mode, but USB mice often don't.


Oct 14, 1999
if you've properly installed and configured USB, it should work.

make sure it is enabled in the BIOS, and that you're running an OS that can use USB.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm NOT being sarcastic here, but, you do have to have the pc powered on, then plug the USB device in. Hey, I fought my g/f's Fuji reader for half an hour before I read the instructions (was my face red). It was the first USB device I'd hooked up. She and I have the same mouse, Win98SE, Asus and Abit BX chipsets.


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2001
You are definitely not alone on this one.
I bought a Logitech mouseman optical last night and have been trying all day to get the usb connection. Everything is fine when using the ps2 adaptor. Windows 98se senses the new device but it always registers as an unknown usb device.
I also have a via chipset socket7 mobo.
One odd thing I noticed, when in safe mode, the mouse shows up in device manager like it should (under the mouse icon). But it isn't in device manager when in windows (normal mode).
Surely someone has found a way to tame these onry rodents. Help!


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
I just set up my Natural Pro keyboard and IntelliMouse Optical (both via USB only) today. I kept my other keyboard and mouse connected via PS/2 while I slowly added the new USB devices. I booted up and logged in administratively into Win2K and plugged in the keyboard. The normal plug & play procedure ensued and almost immediately, I was able to use either one of my keyboards. Since I also run WinME, I shutdown Win2K and unplugged the USB keyboard before powering up to boot WinME. Once WinME booted and I logged in, I plugged in the keyboard again. Plug & play picked it up and both keyboards were active. I shutdown and followed the same procedure for the mouse. After the final shutdown of WinME after connecting the USB mouse, I went into BIOS to activate the USB keyboard setting so that DOS/non-Windows OSes wouldn't have any problems.

I am about to upgrade my Linux install and we'll see how well 2.4 kernels are handling these devices. :)