How do I find out if I'm running in AGP 4x


Junior Member
Aug 19, 2000
I just upgraded to a 900Mhz Thunderbird(evil grin hehehee >:) )

..however I want to confirm I'm running in AGP 4x. I have an ASUS A7V Via Apollo Pro KT133 motherboard, but the bios setup doesn't have a setting that directly says "enable AGP 4x". All it has is "AGP 4x Drive Strength", which I have set to Auto, and "AGP Fastwrites" which I have set to enabled.

I have a Geforce DDR (Hercules) and I read previously of certain Nvidia Geforce cards not being able to run in AGP 4x on some VIA chipsets. Everything runs fine on my system, I'd just like to know what AGP mode I'm in. Is there any utility I can use to do this? Thanks