How do I connect to my wireless router now that I disabled broadcast SSID?


Senior member
Apr 11, 2001
Alright... I am not too uptight about network security but this was one of those easy things that you can do that should help. My Linksys WRT54G allows me to disable the broadcast SSID, but now my Dell notebook can't access the wireless network because it can't see where to connect (I presume). I have a Dell Inspiron 8200 with the internal mini-PCI Wi-Fi and I disable that at times to use a Linsys USB Wi-Fi connection.

All these places advocate disabling the broadcast SSID... but how do I get back on the network?


Any help/suggestions are appreciated, since Linksys' manuals/FAQs/etc do not explain this.


Senior member
Dec 31, 2000
You should be able to specifiy a SSID to connect to.

A copy/paste from an earlier post i made....
go to start->settings->control panel->Network and Dial-up Connections

right click your wireless nic ->properties->general->configure->advanced and you should be able to specify a SSID there.

if you're trying to secure your wireless network, use mac filtering, if your access point supports it.