How do I BIOS flash the IWILL KK 266R in XP? cant play RTCW until I do.


Golden Member
Jun 21, 2000
I dl'ed the latest BIOS for my board and I dont know how to make a boot disk for XP and have never flashed a BIOS before. I get I\O errors when trying to install the game and then I get a stop error. I need the BIOS to get the game running. Any sites that show how to do it? The IWILL site only shows how to do it in 98 on another mobo which doesnt help me. Thanks a lot!


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2000
1) download and extract a win98 bootdisk from

2) get a second, blank floppy disk and put the new bios as well as the flashing utility on it

3) boot off the win98 boot disk

4) insert the second floppy with the bios on it, run the flash utility, and follow the prompts to flash


Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2000
ok you need to dload the bios and extract it to a floppy. now reboot. go inot your bios and chenge it to flashable rom form no-flahable. it's in the same menu you use to overclock. now save and it reboots. at the bottom see the message press alt+del to flash? thats what you do :) It will search for the floppy in the drive and flash it all by itself. you may need to go back in the bios and make sure your setting are all ok after the flash