How can I make my own Auto-Installer for custom map files?

Oct 30, 2004
I want to make my own auto-installer.exe for custom Sins of a Solar Empire map files, which are mere text files that need to be placed into a certain folder in the Application Data folder. It just needs to automatically move the map files to the right place. For example, a pack of 40 maps might be contained in a single "map install.exe" file. Is there an easy way to make an install setup Wizard for that? What I have in mind is something like this file (Setup.exe--just d/l it and run it to see what I'm talking about):


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
You would need InstallShield to make the Install Setup Wizards that you normally see. There might be freeware options available, but I am unaware of any. You might be able to make a self-extracting zip file that accomplishes the same thing, but I do not know the details on how to do that.

A self-extracting zip file would probably be the way to go, because you wouldn't need an .msi installer since those are normally used to write Registry entries along with install files.
Oct 30, 2004
The problem is that Sins of a Solar Empire will not automatically download custom maps in online multiplayer so people have to manually download the map files and then (this is the hard part) find their Application Data folder in order to put the maps in the right place. Unsophisticated users will have it as a hidden folder by default. So, since the custom maps are simple text files that can be opened in Wordpad, I want to make an auto-installer that people can just download and run that will put the files in the right place.

I have found a way to do it and even tested it a little. There's a program called Create Install Free (freeware) which seems pretty easy to use. (Be sure to d/l the free one and not the ones you have to register after 30 days.)

However, I still have a problem. I need to hardwire where the files are to be installed. Here is the path for the proper location on my computer:

J:\Documents and Settings\Cathy\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\GalaxyForge

Most people's main drive is C: but what if their main drive is a different drive letter (like mine)?

What do I use for the user name? Not everyone's username will be Cathy.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
I believe that Windows has built-in variable for common system paths, such as Program Files, so that just in case someone has Program Files on their Y: drive, programs will still be installed to the correct place. You might want to research that.
Oct 30, 2004
I've found that there are strings for things like finding the Application Data folder. Only problem is that when I used the string it tried to install here:

J:\Documents and Settings\Cathy\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\GalaxyForge

(creating those folders and sub-folders) and not in the right place, which is here:

J:\Documents and Settings\Cathy\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\GalaxyForge
Oct 30, 2004
Yeah, it seems to have worked, allowing me to revolutionize the online multiplayer game for Sins of a Solar Empire. (Players can now get custom maps in 45 seconds without closing the game, no folders to open and no files to move.)