Originally posted by: GarfieldtheCat
Originally posted by: DrewSG3
I'm looking to upgrade my computer. Since I don't upgrade very often, I'm going for a quad core phenom/core 2 quad.
But is there a benefit to be had from having more than 4gb of memory? I figure there must be, but I'm wondering whether the cost is justified.
My main uses for my computer is gaming, movie (blu-ray) watching, media server and all the basic stuff.
For most cases, no. For some special cases, yes. As pcslookout noted, photoshop is one (the new version is supposed to be 64-bit), and running multiple VM's is another.
Remember that you need a 64-bit OS to even see greater then 4Gig RAM.
And even if you do have a 64-bit OS, if your program is still 32-bit (like 99% of all Windows apps), the most each program can use is 2-3Gig (If I remember correctly, depending on if the program was compiled with 3gig support). Anyway, any 32bit program won't see the extra RAM either. So if you are basically running one program at a time (like gaming, or watching movies), it won't help.
Now if you run multiple programs that use a lot fo RAM (like several VM's), then each program can have it's 2 or 3Gig of "real" RAM without swapping to disk. But you still need a 64-bit OS to use >4gig.