Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: spidey07
I think you need to use facts instead of "people I know" or your own personal situation. The majority with access to broadband have a choice. Just do a little googling. Also - YOU CHOSE to live in that apartment or housing. Your CHOICE. When you have your own property then maybe you can complain.
About 33% of non-homeless people in the US in 2006 rented their household (whether there's an apartment, house, etc). That's according to the US Census Bureau Fact Sheet Text
The FCC recently tried to ban exclusive service contracts (including exclusive broadband service contracts) with owners of apartment buildings. If you've lived in several apartment complexes like I and others I know have, then you know that this is prevalent; it's not as though there are only a few apartment complexes out there that have this problem.
Even if only 1% of Americans don't have a broadband choice, that's 3 million people! I agree, the majority of people in the US do have a choice, but millions of people do not.
When I went looking for my last apartment complex, every single one had only ONE choice for broadband; I either went with that one choice or I didn't have internet at all. I had no choice. You are wrong. I suggest you actually take a step back and ask yourself if it's intelligent to suggest that I CHOSE to live in an apartment with no broadband choice. What else could I do, live on the street? On a downtown campus there aren't any houses nearby (which would have a choice) and all of the apartment complexes had the same broadband provider without alternatives. Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that you believe such a situation is impossible? It is not only possible, it is a reality.
No, I'm simply suggesting you chose to live there and as such live with the consequences of YOUR DECISION. You always have a choice.
You aren't entitled to broadband and you certainly aren't entitled to live on campus or close by. Stop the entitlement mentality and get into the real world.
The apartment complex is mute because IT'S THEIR PROPERTY, not yours. What next? You feel entitled to bottled water delivered to your door because you don't like the water your apartment has? Feel entitled to have cable TV? Feel entitled to use all the power you want without paying for it?
I'll step back and wholeheartedly believe that you chose where you want to live based on pros and cons. And you accepted those pros and cons.