How are the new Northwoods doing in Seti? (Stock and Overclocked)


Senior member
Jan 7, 2001
I've been contemplating an upgrade recently, and was die hard AMD for a while, but their prices have really been stagnant lately. My friend built an AMD 1700+ XP system back in late November, and it would actually cost me MORE to build the same system today. :|

So those new Northwoods are looking more attractive as an upgrade, yet the real "big" thing I do with my computer is Seti. I occasionally play a game or encode a DivX movie, but the Athlon XP and P4 are pretty close in those things. I remember XP's having a slight advantage on Williamette P4's in Seti, but that 512KB of L2 cache and higher clockspeed might really make Seti fly.

So how do these suckers do in Seti? Please post:

Clockspeed(multiplier X FSB)
memory type and clock(i.e. DDR @156Mhz or RDRAM at 476Mhz)
And of course Average time for a .4xx AR WU with nothing else running!

Of course, I always could get a duallie AMD rig, but I don't think that's really within my budget(especially since prices are higher than last year!!!).

Thanks for any responses.



Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001
The only result I saw on the ARS benchmark page was for a stock Northwood 2.0 running 20x100 Multiplier (it didn't say what type of ram) on an Intel reference board yielded a time of 3:22. So far this is all I have been able to find on times.


Golden Member
Feb 18, 2001
My xp1800 at 145 fsb with 102 WU's completed is averaging 3:12, unless some big numbers come in AMD may be the place to stay.
Now this is from a die hard Intel fan until a month ago.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm selling my dualie AMD box to Crazee. It does 10-11 WU's per day (10.8 according to my SetiQ). I'm getting a P4 1.6a and hoping to overclock it to 2Ghz (or hopefully a little more). I'll be happy with 8 WU's per day. Pretty good out of a box with a single CPU but as far as SETI goes it will be a setback. Still, I think for me and what I do it will be an overall upgrade. I think it all depends on what you're doing with the system. I'd love to keep my dualie and let it run SETI *and* upgrade my primary box. Unfortunately, I can't afford to do both.


Senior member
Jan 7, 2001
Dual Athlon XP systems are awesome, but I just don't think they're for me. I like to "tinker" around too much, and change heatsinks and what not. Seems like dual boards just don't equate to the tweaker/overclocker as much as a nice single CPU system. Plus my wallet would be screaming for bloody mercy after a dual CPU system with all the bells and whistles.

Not saying they aren't fast though!