how are enhance power supplies?


Feb 1, 2000
usually i just use the stock PSU, but i saw a great deal thanks to another thread on a palo alto designs microatx case on ebay ($7.59 + $25 shipping!)

anyways, it has no PSU, so i picked up an enhance 300watt p4 unit, on neweggs refurb site for $19 shipped.

are enhance supplies quiet? thats my main goal. i bought the palo alto case specifically since its made of plastic and is very quiet, and replacing my very loud yeong yang case with loud 200 watts psu..


Diamond Member
May 13, 2002
the spec states a total output of 220 watt for the 5v and 3.3 line.

not really sure if that's all that great, i think it depends on what's going in that case?

personally, I just put out 60 bucks for a new antec true430. from reading a lot of posts around here, I got the impression that a good quality ps is worth the money, and not something you want to skim on.


Feb 1, 2000
well currently the case has

a p4 1.6 A @ 2.13
mobo, gf3 ti200, 60 gig 5400 drive, and a 12x cdrw

its running on a 200watt power supply and has never crashed, so i'm not concerned at all about the 300 watt enhance not providing enough juice. i just wanted to know if they are reliable and dont break and if they have quiet fans. the antec is nice, but for $60 + shipping and tax, i could get more than 3 of this enhance power supply. i am running no network server here, so i dont think ineed it


Nov 11, 1999
Enhance makes decent psu's, in my experience. A friend recently purchased a 300w model, (1125?) and it works fine, except that the fan is definitely on the loud end of the spectrum. The heatsinks inside aren't very big, either, so going to a much quieter fan might not be a good idea.

Directron has 300w Deltas, supposedly decent, on sale for $13, and from what I've read they have big sinks, possibly allowing for a quiet fan. I have some on order, I'll post an opinion when they arrive.....


Senior member
Nov 19, 2000
The Antec "True Power" 330W will make less noise ............... but exhaust less hot air, causing your case to require additional exhaust fan/s to maintain low temps......

The Enhance's are good oem quality, I'm using several of 'em now........ but like Jhhnn wrote, they are NOT known for being noiseless.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2001
I have a Enhance 350W and it is running great. It's a strong power supply. Good voltage numbers - no problems with power. The noise is another thing. I had a lot of fan noise. What I did to fix it, and I tried a lot of different things, was replace the stock fan with a 80 x 80mm 24cfm fan. Any fan that is close to 24cfm will work. Now just replacing this fan only will not cool the power supply good enough under load. I had to add a second fan of the same size as the first to the power supply. So when you buy a fan get two of them. The second fan is added to the air inlet side of the power supply, on the outside of the supply. It will work as a pusher fan to push air into the power supply. The stock power supply fan will pull the air out of the power supply. This helps move air through the power supply without adding a lot of noise to the unit. It is now much quieter than the stock unit and still moves alot of air.

You can pickup fans here for $2.99 each + shipping.


A picture of what your power supply should look like when done: Power supply with rear fan

And of course by doing this mod, you voided the warranty on the power supply. I just had to send back a Antec True Power 330 supply to NewEgg that I bought in the refurb section (fans would not change speed as power supply over heated). My second NewEgg refurb defective product and it only cost me $10.96 this time to send it back. So for $10.96, I got nothing. I'm done with NewEgg refurbs. Rant over with


Mar 11, 2002
If you read the reviews at for the Enhance 350w power supply, you'll see that they are definitely one of the noiser power supplies around. However - modding a power supply is an easy task and worth the effort if you're looking to save a few bucks.

Do what Jolt2 said, which is unscrew the power supply case off, take out the initial Enhance power supply fan (make sure you cut the power leads and leave room to solder/connect the new fan's power leads), and replace it with a panaflo or a zalman silent fan. Check out SVCompucyle's Fans selection - good prices, trustworthy company, fast shipping and great selection.

Otherwise, if you'd rather spare yourself the hassle, go for the Antec 350w at Newegg. Only $45, much quieter than the Sparkle 350W(which I have - great power supply, but again, I had to replace the old fan cause it was too noisy), and is well worth the money.

But, as a last word of advice - your power supply basically feeds every component of your system - everything is dependent on it - I wouldn't touch a refurb unit on such an essential component.

But to answer your question and end my rant - no, they're not noisy, yes they're good power supplies, and yes, they can be made more silent with a simple power supply mod.


Feb 1, 2000
gah justread the reviews, so i canceled my order. gonna probably pick up one at compusa, at lesat those are quiet.