How am I ment to work with Gigabyte when they dont return emails.


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2006
Well my pc is stable or for 96hrs, recovered from S1 sleep. But I am not getting nothing in reply to my issues about S3, the C1,C2,C3 issue or emails about my memory timming issues. I am going to call newegg and tell them I want a asus screw the puch with this..

Flipped Gazelle

Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2004
Originally posted by: LeeKay
Well my pc is stable or for 96hrs, recovered from S1 sleep. But I am not getting nothing in reply to my issues about S3, the C1,C2,C3 issue or emails about my memory timming issues. I am going to call newegg and tell them I want a asus screw the puch with this..

Yeah, Gigabyte support - by email and phone - sucks. I've experienced this on both a personal and professional basis.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
You can always open a thread at the TweakTown forums. That usually gets their attention. There's a tech guy from GB there that provides support and may be of help. Given the nature of your problem it is more likely that you'll need a new BIOS and a GB techie maybe the one to provide you with just that.


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2006
Originally posted by: Blazer7
You can always open a thread at the TweakTown forums. That usually gets their attention. There's a tech guy from GB there that provides support and may be of help. Given the nature of your problem it is more likely that you'll need a new BIOS and a GB techie maybe the one to provide you with just that.

I did since I got it :) thanks but no responce.


My new motherboard works so far..

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I have found that they are difficult to get in touch with. However, once enough pressure occurs from an issue, they usually fix it. Just getting to that critical pressure point is the hard thing....


Jan 21, 2006
if they're a publicly held company, use the Gigabyte message board on a stock forum.

that got me a response very quickly when HP double-billed me for a scanner a few
years ago, and HP customer service wouldn't deal with it.


Apr 22, 2007
This wont help you this time, but it will for your NEXT motherboard, don't buy Gigabyte. I did and once and once only their customer service is a joke.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Does anyone offer good support? I've read the same complaints about Asus and others.

I haven't had to RMA a motherboard yet so I haven't had to deal with any of them, my Biostar, Asus and Gigabyte motherboards have all been reliable.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: DaveSimmons
Does anyone offer good support? I've read the same complaints about Asus and others.

I hate to say it since they're a competitor, but maybe... EVGA. Traditionally their boards have been "reference" except for their first mATX board and their latest x58 board. Regardless of whether or not they have a board design or chipset you like, at minimum if you call them they will answer. Same thing with BFG motherboards (except currently we don't do 'em) in that if you phone our 800 number, you will get support.


Golden Member
Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: LeeKay
I called gigabyte they said they can only and did open a ticket. Nothing else..

and that's exactly it... you'll get "nothing else..." from them.

once you buy thier product, they could care less about you... bleh to gigabyte


Senior member
Sep 4, 2008
Sucks to hear about this. Few years ago when I had the 6800GT from them (most horrible cooling solution I have ever seen) they replaced it twice no ?s asked cause it died or over heated. Third time they sent me a 7800GTX for an upgrade cost of like 60$ or so I believe. Again no ?s asked. I had to RMA a mobo back in the socket 478 days once and I always got help right away over the phone and had very minimal wait time.

That was my experience with them.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
Why do you think abit is getting out of the board business? Competition has forced prices down over the years; profit margins are razor thin. There's no real room in pricing for warranty claims.


Mar 31, 2008
This is only a guess, but according to his posts on TweakTown forums, LeeKay is using 6 modules of unsupported memory running at 1600MHz, 7-8-7-20, 1.9v. Mentioning that to RMA, I would assume, is why they told him to go into the forums to ask for help, as they can't officially offer any support for non recommended memory running at those settings.


Junior Member
Dec 18, 2008
Sorry kinda off topic.

@ gigabytecolin

Greetings Colin, I'm one of the owners of a GA-680sli dq6 Mobo paired with an intel q6600 (purchased last 02/07/2008), recently I was planning to move to a higher CPU, I was ready to purchase my next quadcore cpu upgrade when I researched that the 1333 quad cpu's isn't compatible with the 680sli I've only recently heard of the 680sli dq6 issue and saw the already locked thread here in anandtech titled: "Where Are The Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 Motherboards?" and I read there (after some heated debates) that Gigabyte had a replacement policy for the owners of the gigabyte 680sli, Been trying to email Alex Huang and he seems to not respond for my request for the replacement to a ga-x48 dq6, I use my computer for work and quadcores are my only option for upgrades, so upgrading my cpu is more important than sli (never used it.). Kind sir, can you help me out with this?

Hoping for your help,
Jonathan Diano

Ps: I live in the Philippines (South East Asia)


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hello jefalogs and welcome aboard.

I was among those that were involved in that old 680 thread back in the day and I'm quite familiar with GB's step up offer but this was months ago. To my knowledge such offers do not run forever and since so many months have passed it is my guess that this has run its course. Colin has been of tremendous help back then and he's undoubtedly the one to call upon on this but I don't know whether he can be of any help now after so many months. Anyways, only Colin can give you an answer on this. However, have in mind that Colin is not a regular here @ AT and it may take a while before he answers to your inquiry so be patient. It would also be best that you do not continue this here as this has nothing to do with the topic and thread derailment is against forums rules. It would be best that you either start a new thread about the 680 issue or contact Colin directly via PM. Since Colin is not a regular here there's a chance that he may miss a thread so it is my take that you stand better chances of getting his attention with a PM. Again though, it may take a while before he comes back to you.



Junior Member
Dec 18, 2008
@blazer7 thanks for the heads up, been reading the now locked thread of the 680i board, I really hope they give me a grant for the exchange policy for only recently I have learned of this issue with the 680 board, Yeah I'll wait a couple more days and sorry for being off-topic here, I just don't wanna start a new thread regarding the already locked thread for the ga-680, much appreciated.. :)


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2008
FWIW, I have had mixed results with Gigabyte support. I put in an RMA request for my mobo with very few details and they were very prompt in providing me with an RMA # and shipping instructions. Turnaround time was slow (as expected), and they returned my board to me with no explanation except a canned "The included unit is either the original unit repaired or a refurbished unit"... I had to prod support and the RMA department to get an explanation of what they did and what exactly I got back.

But I agree with Fellen Kell -- if you put pressure on them, they'll respond. Just keep at them.

Gigabyte support is essentially the opposite of Intel (with whom I RMA'd a processor recently). It was like pulling teeth trying to get an RMA from Intel, but turnaround time was really quick and I had a clear explanation of what was done to fulfill my request.


Mar 31, 2008
Hi Jefalogs,

The swap program is no longer active, as the X48 board is now EOL'ed. I spoke with our APAC division and they will get in contact with you directly to discuss. I believe you already put in a request with Alex. Send me a PM if you don't hear from them.


Oct 12, 1999
I will never buy another Gigabyte board. I have several Asus boards that have operated for several years with no issues. Bought a Gigabyte board and it went belly up after 18 months. And the tech support is down right atrocious.