How about we take the children


Jan 14, 2013
of the business owners that hire illegals, those that create the entire incentive for them to come here in the first place. Arrest them, charge them with a crime, take their kids.


Jun 5, 2000
of the business owners that hire illegals, those that create the entire incentive for them to come here in the first place. Arrest them, charge them with a crime, take their kids.

you going to do the same to business owners who hire people with a criminal record and they get locked up again.


Jun 19, 2000
This seems totally reasonable. I like mine smoked or barbecued.*

*Why go all whacked out halfway? Take it to an extreme.


Jun 23, 2004
How about we take the children of the business owners that hire illegals, those that create the entire incentive for them to come here in the first place. Arrest them, charge them with a crime, take their kids.

Anyone arrested has their kids "taken" when there are no familiar guardians available.


Jan 14, 2013
Of course. They shouldn't go into Foster like care if there is a willing guardian. But if not, how about tent cities. We can start a thing. It's hip with the right wing these days.
Anyone arrested has their kids "taken" when there are no familiar guardians available.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Of course. They shouldn't go into Foster like care if there is a willing guardian. But if not, how about tent cities. We can start a thing. It's hip with the right wing these days.

Obama's FEMA Camps are to blame! Democrats, change this Law! ;colbert;
Jan 25, 2011
Anyone arrested has their kids "taken" when there are no familiar guardians available.
The problem with this black and white rationalization is it ignores what’s actually going on. The asylum seekers who are having their children taken aware are trying to follow the proper process but are being pushed into illegally crossing in desperation.

The Trump admin is claiming they are doing this to try and steer people to legal entry points. The problem is the legal entry points are doing everything they can to not permit asylum seekers to reach them and apply. They were stacked for days on bridges because they were told “sorry we are full. No applying today”.

These people were already desperate. Suddenly they are at the end of their sometimes thousands of miles journey and they are being pushed back. They can see what they’ve been dreaming of feet in front of them. But they are being pushed away. CBP is stationing people in the middle of bridges to push them back so they can’t apply. They are also trying to get the officials on the Mexican side to not even let them on the bridge.

So they cross illegally in desperation. Then they are arrested and their children taken away. But they tried to do it right to seek help and protection. So this whole analogy that you’ve latched on to is just another way to justify the unjustifiable.

And since you seem to love following the law the U.S. is obligated under both federal and international law to recognize valid claims of asylum and grant temporary protection until claims can be heard and decided on based on the 1951 Convention Related to the Status of Refugees and it’s 1967 protocols. This was codified into law by the Refugee Act of 1980.

So I’m guessing you’re all for rounding up everyone turning away asylum seekers and taking their children from them.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
of the business owners that hire illegals, those that create the entire incentive for them to come here in the first place. Arrest them, charge them with a crime, take their kids.

Are we going to take Barron? Might be the best thing for him, but that's not my thing. Perhaps removal from public office if a pol (Trump would be one). I bet things would get together in a real hurry then.


Nov 11, 1999
Meh. We need less cruelty, not more.

More than anything, I think we need to figure out how to help our central American neighbors build better lives at home. I don't know how to do that but I figure there must be people who have some good ideas about how to accomplish that. I think a lot of it has to do with feeling safe, apparently a difficult state of mind in Honduras.

Let's face it- life has to be very difficult for these people to carry their children great distances to seek the mercy of this country. Even if we send 'em back there's no reason to inflict greater cruelty than necessary to accomplish it.


Dec 7, 2004
Meh. We need less cruelty, not more.

More than anything, I think we need to figure out how to help our central American neighbors build better lives at home. I don't know how to do that but I figure there must be people who have some good ideas about how to accomplish that. I think a lot of it has to do with feeling safe, apparently a difficult state of mind in Honduras.

Let's face it- life has to be very difficult for these people to carry their children great distances to seek the mercy of this country. Even if we send 'em back there's no reason to inflict greater cruelty than necessary to accomplish it.

Unless the oligarchs who run the country can figure out a way to make money doing that, it'll never happen. At least with the status quo they can sell the government lots of chain link fencing and tin foil blankets.

And for the families lucky enough to stay here, the government can lock a big chunk of the traumatized children in for-profit prisons when they reach adulthood and predictably lash out. Win-win for the wealthy elites.
Nov 29, 2006
Oh burn. You got me.

No really though. Is it illegal to hire a convict? Do you even understand the implication of what you posted? I can explain it to you if you need me to.

I think he's trying to say that the people that would hire illegals are also not going to care if that same illegal or someone else is a convict perhaps?
Jan 25, 2011
I think he's trying to say that the people that would hire illegals are also not going to care if that same illegal or someone else is a convict perhaps?
It’s illegal to hire an illegal alien. The people who do face little to no consequence typically.

It’s not illegal to hire a convict (where not a requirement to turn down an applicant obviously). It’s a stupid analogy.


Oct 18, 2005
you going to do the same to business owners who hire people with a criminal record and they get locked up again.

Fucking clueless post, I know you have shit for brains but you don't have to prove it.

Hiring someone with a record is not illegal period. Hiring those without work authorization in the US is a crime. One which we should punish business owners for.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
of the business owners that hire illegals, those that create the entire incentive for them to come here in the first place. Arrest them, charge them with a crime, take their kids.

What about the children of the hawks in Congress that decide to illegally invade countries and thus create the asylum situation in the first place? Since children are somehow now on the table as political bargaining chips for the current crop of unapologetic monsters that run the GOP, let's make all children equal!


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Of course. They shouldn't go into Foster like care if there is a willing guardian. But if not, how about tent cities. We can start a thing. It's hip with the right wing these days.

And we can just "lose them" by the gross, right? Not like anyone really cares, anyway.