Yes. Some people would tell you that if you're running a FastEthernet (10/100) network, you can separate out 1 of the pairs and use it for a phone line. I can't quote you any specifications that are for or against doing that, but I have had a handful of people tell me that it's ill-advised.
What is the other bundle of non-terminated cables off to the left of your 1st picture? I can't tell from the picture if those can be used for phone jacks.
Edit: or what imagoon said above...I'm not familiar with what he's talking about.
Edit2: or maybe I am...I think he's saying how you could terminate everything to a patch panel, but then use some of the drops for phone and some for data. Not sharing any 1 drop from both phone and data.
yeah my post is a mess. I am suggesting he make jumpers. IE take an 12-18" piece of solid core cat5e, punch it down to the existing block in the picture, then plug a RJ45 on there and crimp it to 568A and plug that in to the patch panel. That would make the RJ45 on the other end in to a phone jack. Let me see if I can find a picture at some point...
I prefer this personally:
You tie the phone down to the 110 on top then use patch cables to connect to the ports where you want phones. The approach I mentioned above is more like "cut a patch cable in 1/2 and terminate it on the 110 block then plug it in." Same idea.
Biggest issue with sharing a cable is the phone voltage can kick up frame errors on the Ethernet side. It is also not "standard" and will make things like PoE / 1 gig not work. Like Seepy I would wonder what all the unattached cables are for...