House Democrat introduces articles of impeachment against Trump


Jul 13, 2005
This ought to be good…...
Pulls up a chair and some popcorn.

Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, introduced articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening, a move that could force the House to take up the controversial subject later this week over the opposition of Democratic leaders.

Green, who has pushed to impeach Trump since 2017, and unsuccessfully pushed the House to vote on impeachment multiple times in the last session of Congress, introduced the measure after the House voted to condemn Trump's Twitter attacks against four Democratic congresswomen of color.

Nearly 60 Democrats backed an earlier version of Green's measure in December 2017, which was successfully killed by Republican leaders at the time.

The White House declined to comment.

The Texas Democrat said the effort was prompted by Trump's tweets over the weekend, as well as previous statements from the president about immigrants and in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville after a white supremacist rally in 2017.

"I believe we must check him now or we might find somebody harmed," Green said on MSNBC Tuesday evening.

Trump, Green said Tuesday, reading from his impeachment resolution, "has, by his statements, brought the high office of the president of the United States in contempt, ridicule, disgrace and disrepute."
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Oct 15, 1999
Not very good timing, a year from now would probably have more impact on the election. I think that's what Nancy wanted.


Jun 21, 2005
Not very good timing, a year from now would probably have more impact on the election. I think that's what Nancy wanted.
I'm not so that time the Dems may just get blamed for trying to cloud the "real" issues and for making it "about Trump".


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Not very good timing, a year from now would probably have more impact on the election. I think that's what Nancy wanted.
Sadly, for those of us who view Trump objectively, we had no say in when he decided to become a tratorous criminal swine, nor do we have much say in when politically intimidated Democrates decide to grow a moral spine.


Dec 12, 2000
Am I the only left-leaning centrist who sees these articles as a complete failure? It's ridiculous that while Trump is an unindicted coconspirator in at least one campaign finance violation, and there's significant evidence he obstructed justice, Democrats only bothered to get this ball rolling when Trump did the 115th racist thing? Does impeachment need to be about racism to stick, or should it be about upholding the Constitution and rule of law?

That whole episode in the House yesterday was insanity, and I'm getting the sense that House Democrats are shitting the bed and helping Trump coast to reelection. Why do we need to spend 5 days of media coverage on a few tweets while we are ignoring what's going on with FDA, Dept of Agriculture and EPA??? Why can't Democrats focus on things that rural white people might actually care about???


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
This is a dumb idea. They should be opening an impeachment INQUIRY, not filing articles of impeachment. The smart thing to do politically is to investigate him in that context and drag all of his corruption out for the next year and a half. All that will happen here is that it will be tabled or whatever and then Trump will declare victory.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Am I the only left-leaning centrist who sees these articles as a complete failure? It's ridiculous that while Trump is an unindicted coconspirator in at least one campaign finance violation, and there's significant evidence he obstructed justice, Democrats only bothered to get this ball rolling when Trump did the 115th racist thing? Does impeachment need to be about racism to stick, or should it be about upholding the Constitution and rule of law?

That whole episode in the House yesterday was insanity, and I'm getting the sense that House Democrats are shitting the bed and helping Trump coast to reelection. Why do we need to spend 5 days of media coverage on a few tweets while we are ignoring what's going on with FDA, Dept of Agriculture and EPA??? Why can't Democrats focus on things that rural white people might actually care about???

Because rural white people aren't voting for Democrats anyway and frankly people don't really give a shit about policy in a general sense regardless. The better thing from these investigations will be to show Trump's incompetence, his corruption, his failure as a president and businessman, and his criminal activity.

Nobody is going to vote based on changing formulas for how particulate matter harms are calculated but I think they will vote differently if they learn the 'genius businessman' they voted for actually just really sucks at everything he's tried to do his whole life, even while being a felon to do it.


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Am I the only left-leaning centrist who sees these articles as a complete failure? It's ridiculous that while Trump is an unindicted coconspirator in at least one campaign finance violation, and there's significant evidence he obstructed justice, Democrats only bothered to get this ball rolling when Trump did the 115th racist thing? Does impeachment need to be about racism to stick, or should it be about upholding the Constitution and rule of law?

That whole episode in the House yesterday was insanity, and I'm getting the sense that House Democrats are shitting the bed and helping Trump coast to reelection. Why do we need to spend 5 days of media coverage on a few tweets while we are ignoring what's going on with FDA, Dept of Agriculture and EPA??? Why can't Democrats focus on things that rural white people might actually care about???

Because rural white people dont care about those things. All they care about is guns and how bad non white people / gays / good healthcare will ruin their lives ( in some twisted alternative reality)


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
So Al Green has introduced articles of impeachment again? What happened last time he did it?


Feb 24, 2009
So Al Green has introduced articles of impeachment again? What happened last time he did it?
That's what I was thinking also. I guess the attack on the Squad got to him. Not going anywhere. Hell, Barr's basicallly closing all the investigations down that he can get his hands on. Just get out and vote the fucker out!


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Because rural white people dont care about those things. All they care about is guns and how bad non white people / gays / good healthcare will ruin their lives ( in some twisted alternative reality)

Right? How many stories have there been about farmers where Trump is literally ruining their livelihoods and their response is pretty much "I still support him but I wish he would stop ruining my life."


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2002
Actually, impeaching Trump would end up being a Get Out Of Jail Free card since there is no way in hell the Senate would convict. Not being convicted in the Senate pretty much absolves him of all crimes committed while President and keeps him from serving the time he deserves. Pelosi is not stupid and understands timing is everything. The impeachment discussion may be brought up before the election but probably not in time to go to the Senate. Making a case for impeachment means nothing since Trump's base has their heads so far up his ass that they don't care what he has said or done. I think Trump continues to goad the HOR into impeaching him because he knows if he doesn't get reelected he's probably going to serve time. Found not guilty by the Senate and he's free as a bird except for charges in the state of NY.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Right? How many stories have there been about farmers where Trump is literally ruining their livelihoods and their response is pretty much "I still support him but I wish he would stop ruining my life."

Ah, but elections generally are so close given the polarization of the electorate that if we pull in some "independents" in the rural areas, it could make or break the Dem nominee.