HOT (sauce) !!! Blairs 6AM Reserve pre-order $99. Hottest ever?


Junior Member
Nov 14, 2001
on the lighter side, this may not be a good deal for most, but it is certainly HOT !!!

Blair's 6 AM Reserve is likely going to be the hottest hot sauce available to date. it is still in pre-order, but should be shipping this week. from what i've read, the current hottest sauce is the $199 "Caldera" (a triple bottled set of 10, 5, and 1 million scoville unit oils [2 oz. each] -- you can reportedly see the capsaicin crystals floating in the hottest oil), followed by the previous "hottest", the $99 "The Source" (1 oz. of 7.1 million scoville unit sauce).

i've read that caldera's hot bottle actually varies between 10M and 13M scovilles, depending on the batch. from speaking to the guy on the phone at Blair's, the 6 AM has measured between 11M and 15+M scovilles depending on the batch, technically making it the new "hottest". pure capsaisin crystals measure 16M scoville units, from what i've read.

the only reason that this 2 oz. bottle (1/4 cup?) would be a good deal is that it will probably soon be more than $99 from ebay or one of the many hot sauce web stores. also, on the site they say that the price will rise, so perhaps they will start to raise it once they begin shipping.

get 'em while they're... well, you know.

as of last monday, over 750 of the original 999 6 AM's had been sold.
also, in case you are interested, i was told that there are now less than 25 of the 499 Calderas left.

cheers !
-- 2a

The Source


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2001
Please don't take this as a thread crap since obviously I know NOTHING about this stuff but $100 for 2 oz. of hot sauce? You people must REALLY enjoy hot foods...


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
I can eat really hot stuff but why would anyone eat this sh!t? What would you put it in so that it still has its original flavor instead of a bowl of whoopass in your mouth?


Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: cliftonite
I can eat really hot stuff but why would anyone eat this sh!t? What would you put it in so that it still has its original flavor instead of a bowl of whoopass in your mouth?

You don't use it by itself. You add it to other things. Chili and what not.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999
Well, is some respects that 2oz will last a very loooonnggggg time. One drop is plenty enough to make a whole pot of Chili lightning hot.....:)


Senior member
Jan 5, 2002
I doubt any of you hot sauce fan boys would be able to tell the difference between this:
5.95 hot sauce and the 99.99 waste-of-my-hot-deal-money-hot-sauce


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999
Well, this stuff can probably cause blisters if you get it on your skin, so I imagine chugging it would send you to the hospital.....


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BaboonGuy
what would happen medically if someone chugged the whole 2oz's all at once?

Considering that the degree of spice usually correlated with acidic content, 2oz of something that hot would most likely affect your body's Ph balance, in a not so good way.


Sep 26, 2002
All I know is I use the Blair's after-death sauce, which is something like 1-2 million scovilles (at best, if I remember correctly )and any more than just a few drops in anything turn it into firey hell! I would love to see what this will do, but I doubt the wife will let me blow THAT much money on sauce!!!



No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: BaboonGuy
what would happen medically if someone chugged the whole 2oz's all at once?

You would probably die. I mean that in a literal sense, not a "damn, that's HOT! sense".

I guess that if anyone tried it, then this thread would qualify for a real "killer" hot deal though. :)

I personally don't see the fascination with these super-extreme-hot-sauces. It seems that they are more for collectible/novelty value than anything else, and some people buy them, specifically only to re-sell them later on on e-Bay. Hence it is in their best interest to hype the entire collectible-hot-sauces scene to the public, in order to increase interest. There really isn't a point to making even hotter and hotter sauces, because the "hottest" that you could possibly get, would be to distill the oil down to one big crystal hunk, that would have to be handled with a HAZMAT suit on, for safety.

I much prefer these little "Dragon" hot-peppers, thin, red, about 1.5 - 3in. long. They seem hotter than both Habeneros and Jalepeneos to me, and I got a whole pound of them dried at a local supermarket on sale for $2. :) Only 2-3 peppers in a pot of spaghetti while cooking will flavor it pretty well. Fresh ones are even better.

There is one pepper that I've eaten, small, round, about the size of a jelly-bean, from a plant that I saw at a farm-stand once. Supposedly, the plant is sold as "ornamental", but it is edible (non-poisonous). I ate the pepper straight, and hot d*mn, that's the hottest pepper that I've ever eaten. My mouth/throat/esophagus were "burning" for the entire day. I still want to find out what kind of plant that one was. Should have bought it when I had the chance, and dried the peppers. They start out a darker color, like a purple almost, and then ripen to red. Very round and stubby peppers though, most about the size of a US nickel, some slightly larger/smaller. If anyone happens to know, please PM me or post the info to this thread, thanks in advance. :)


May 16, 2001
Originally posted by: salsa086
I doubt any of you hot sauce fan boys would be able to tell the difference between this:
5.95 hot sauce and the 99.99 waste-of-my-hot-deal-money-hot-sauce

That is about as far away from the truth as you can get.

I put that 5.95 stuff on my burgers and egg sammiches in the morning.

As for the 99.99 stuff, I have bought hot sauce that requires a waiver to buy and let me tell you, that stuff is much much hotter. One drop of that type of hot sauce/extract the size on a pin point on a cracker or just your finger is enough to bring anyone to their knees.


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 1999
Boy that's freaking HOT, I've always had my eye on "The Source" at 7,000,000 scoville, and to think I am trying to work my way up to 1,000,000 or more considering I like "Daves Ultimate Insanity" or "Liquid Stoopid" and they are at about 350,000 I have a long way to go, speaking of which, does anyone have a good source for either of these I listed cheap on the internet?


Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: VirtualLarry
Originally posted by: BaboonGuy
what would happen medically if someone chugged the whole 2oz's all at once?

You would probably die. I mean that in a literal sense, not a "damn, that's HOT! sense".

I guess that if anyone tried it, then this thread would qualify for a real "killer" hot deal though. :)

I personally don't see the fascination with these super-extreme-hot-sauces. It seems that they are more for collectible/novelty value than anything else, and some people buy them, specifically only to re-sell them later on on e-Bay. Hence it is in their best interest to hype the entire collectible-hot-sauces scene to the public, in order to increase interest. There really isn't a point to making even hotter and hotter sauces, because the "hottest" that you could possibly get, would be to distill the oil down to one big crystal hunk, that would have to be handled with a HAZMAT suit on, for safety.

I much prefer these little "Dragon" hot-peppers, thin, red, about 1.5 - 3in. long. They seem hotter than both Habeneros and Jalepeneos to me, and I got a whole pound of them dried at a local supermarket on sale for $2. :) Only 2-3 peppers in a pot of spaghetti while cooking will flavor it pretty well. Fresh ones are even better.

There is one pepper that I've eaten, small, round, about the size of a jelly-bean, from a plant that I saw at a farm-stand once. Supposedly, the plant is sold as "ornamental", but it is edible (non-poisonous). I ate the pepper straight, and hot d*mn, that's the hottest pepper that I've ever eaten. My mouth/throat/esophagus were "burning" for the entire day. I still want to find out what kind of plant that one was. Should have bought it when I had the chance, and dried the peppers. They start out a darker color, like a purple almost, and then ripen to red. Very round and stubby peppers though, most about the size of a US nickel, some slightly larger/smaller. If anyone happens to know, please PM me or post the info to this thread, thanks in advance. :)

Some people apparently enjoy an endorphin high when they head super hot stuff.

I ate some wings once. You sign a release form to eat them and if you eat them all, you get a t-shirt. I did not experience any kind of endorphin rush. I did eat them all, but it hurt bad. :)

Something worth a try: Pure Cap Hot Sauce. It's 500,000 scoville units and it's only 11.95.


Junior Member
Nov 14, 2001
BaboonGuy --

from what i can gather, Scoville Units are a measure of the amount of capsaicin per mass unit. what would happen medically, well i don't really know, but if you assume that it is 10M Scovilles and the hottest habaneros measure about .5M Scovilles, it would be the same heat as eating two and a half pounds (blended) of the hottest habaneros (20*2oz).

here is a site that hypothesizes that 13 grams of capsaicin (and two ounces would be about 56 grams and at 16:10 ratio, it would be equal to ~35 grams capsaicin) may be enough to be fatal:

if you were to use this, it would be an ingredient. it is not meant to be eaten by the spoonful. those that buy probably simply collect it or gift it. the website states that the price will rise on the 18th.

-- 2a

Kwad Guy

Diamond Member
Dec 1, 1999
I LOVVVVEEEEE hot stuff. And when I mean hot, I mean HOT. None of this, oh yeah, Tobasco is hot! crap. I mean, eating habaneros straight up hot (er, not intentionally, but I've done it...)

Anyway, these 1,000,000+ Scovil unit "sauces" are mostly for bragging rights. I mean, what's the difference between 1,000,000 Scovil units and 6,000,000 Scovil units? I'll tell you: You use 1-2 drops of the latter in a big pot of chili, and 3-5 drops of the former. At most. That's the difference. They're both essentially extracts, not sauces. They have no taste in and of themselves. To be honest, I'd recommend saving some money and buying something that clocks in around 1,000,000 Scovil units, if you want something like this at all...

Most people will have no use for these. I mean, you want a deadly hot additive that's cheap: buy some dried habaneros, crush them, and use those (very sparingly) in your cooking...That'll do the trick and it's a lot cheaper.

Though I've done it on a dare or to prove my manhood, I don't (nor does anyone else I know) really get a lot of pleasure out of these unbelievably hot (as rated by pepper heads) additives...Give me a good tasting sauce anyday...



Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2000
Originally posted by: LordJezo
Originally posted by: Spoooon

Something worth a try: Pure Cap Hot Sauce. It's 500,000 scoville units and it's only 11.95.

Pure Cap is great.. when I had that I used to put it on my eggs in the morning!

Just be sure not to use the "eye-dropper" for an eye-dropper.....OUCH!!!



Apr 22, 2003
For those curious about such things, hot sauces this hot literally come with warning labels which exonerate the manufacturer of all blame if someone is seriously hurt or injured. It sounds like a joke, but if you ingest enough of these super-ultra-ungodly-hot hot sauces they will literally kill you. You can literally burn a hole in your tongue by putting a drop of this sauce on it.

Most recipe suggestions for sauces like these involve putting about 1 drop from an eyedropper (!!) into like 5 gallons of chili you're making or something. And that chili is still going to be so inedibly hot that 99% of people in the world won't be able to stand it.

In other words, 2 oz. of this s*** is enough to last a lifetime. Seriously.

edit: I just realized some posts above mine already make some of these points. I'll just mention that capsaicin is a powerful imflammatory substance, that's what causes the 'burn' of eating hot foods. Suffice it to say that ingesting enough of this by accident will cause massive systemic inflammation and anaphylactic shock. Yay.


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 1999
It's not a hot sauce but an extract.

Chugging something like that would probably kill you in all reality. I've read that a couple of drops of the Caldera will really, really spice up gallons of chili. Chugging? Forget it.

Kwad Guy

Diamond Member
Dec 1, 1999
Here's a quote from the reviews for the 500,000 Scovil unit hot sauce (about 1/10 as pure as the one in the topic of this thread). Kids, this stuff is not a toy:

Very hot. I had some on my finger and touched my forhead and it burned and made me sweat constantly. As a joke a friend put a full squirt in another freinds baked beans and when he ate it, his throat closed up and he had to go to the hospital. This stuff is extremely hot and should not be taken lightly like it was here.

and another quote

A friend of mine had a bottle of this stuff. At a party, someone accidentally dropped the bottle. After picking up the broken pieces of glass, my friend's hands were blistered for a week.
