HOT! Samsung A500 for $165 out the door at Staples B&M AC, PM (big YMMV), less after rebate


Junior Member
Nov 17, 2002
My first deal post, so go easy...I did this deal about 2 weeks ago, but it should still be valid. There are a LOT of steps where this could go wrong, so big YMMV. All of the planets were aligned for me when I did it, cause it worked on my first try.

Samsung A500 for Sprint PCS is on CompUSA website for $199.99 after $100 instant internet rebate, valid until 2/7. It's selling for $299.99 at Staples (on the display, it had a $50 rebate for new activation, but this is a Sprint rebate so isn't counted in the pricematch). This is in store only, because Staples doesn't sell cell phones off of website. Go to the manager, and ask if you can PM to CompUSA. Bring printout of CompUSA page with A500 here, and point out that rebate on that page is an instant rebate (it also helped me that my zip code was showing on the printout). Then I had a printable $30 off $150 coupon (they email me these every week, probably for being a Staples Business Rewards member) that they let me use AFTER the pricematch.

So, here is the breakdown:

$299.99 Staples price
- 104.50 pricematch: 299.99 - 204.99 (199.99 +5.00 shipping) * 110%
- 30.00 coupon

= 164.49 + tax out the door.

But here's the really sweet part. If you aren't an existing Sprint customer, there is the Sprint $50 new activation rebate that prints out at the register. Since I was an existing customer, I couldn't use it. BUT, I did have a $100 service credit for a new phone that I got from a retention plan, thanks to this thread.

Also, Samsung has an offer for a free extended life battery valid until 2/28 here.

All in all, I got this phone and an extra battery for $65+tax, new customers get it for $115+tax after Sprint rebate.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2000
madcat are you sure? i heard this too but when i went to best buy they told me they didn't have any deal like that.


Golden Member
Dec 17, 1999

50% off is if your buying 2 phones....

Of course you could buy the second phone and E-bay it and make some money...

$300 plus tax minus E-bay bids which are running for $100-150 for that phone new and used....


Oct 9, 2002
From what I read on the 50% deal, i thought it was if you bought 2 accessories ((Charger, Case, Handsfree, etc.. ) you got the phone for 50% off...

At least that was what it was last week, I just glanced at the ad yesterday, thought it was the same thing.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
Here's the sitch, and YES it works beautifully. YMMV however if you get an AHOLE CC employee:

Currently Best Buy is having a half-off sale on this $300 phone, if you buy two accessories valued at $9.99 or more. Circuit City has it priced at $300 with $150 after rebates. All you need to do is go to CC, pricematch BB and pick up two accessories. I bought the Belkin cigarette adapter ($19.99) and the Body Glove universal belt clip ($9.99). Net cost: $29.98 + tax.

You don't have to buy two, but the BB ad says you have to activate it so CC might force you to (mine didn't).

I first tried this in Tustin, CA last Sunday, and after the manager approved the PM the grunt said I wasn't going to get the CC rebates because "There's no way we're going to give you a $300 phone for free". I told him he can keep the phone, and left. I just so happened to be in Greenville, SC on business two days ago and tried the same thing. No problem on the PM and even allowed me to buy two (one in my wife's name). I activiated both (optional).

I don't see why you can't return the accessories later, if you're really hard up for this deal to get near $0. I'll be returning the clips, but keeping the car chargers.

This phone is pretty bad-ass. I've got the data cable on order so I can use the 3G network on my laptop. The battery life is not terribly long, but you also get a coupon for a free extended battery - no worries.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
well I was at Costco yesterday they have the same phone for $199 out the door no rebate required..... AND it comes with car charger, holster and the handsfree ear piece. all this 3 is about $50. So looks like a pretty good deal for a existing customer. and for new customer it is hotter since I think there is a sprint rebate.