Originally posted by: de8212
Not sure if this is what chizow was referring to but is it true that even if you have a 1080p source going into this unit via hdmi, it will convert it down to 720 before outputting it to your tv?
not knocking it or threadcrapping, just trying to understand if this is true.
I can't speak for the 605 as I own an H/K 247. But for me, and for what I understand of the 605, it will bypass any conversion from sources that are coming in via HDMI 1080i/p.
It will downconvert 1080i/p component sources to 720p and pass them through the HDMI in the lower res states and apply any processing to that image.
HDMI 1080x in = HDMI 1080x out
Component 420x in = HDMI 720p out
Component 720p in = HDMI 720p out
Component 1080x in = HDMI 720p out