HOT DEAL on Perfume/Cologne--almost half off!


Senior member
Jun 26, 2000
i've been lookin for some cologne for some time and found this place...

i compared their price w/nordstrom & this place is really cheap! almost half off!

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btw, it's been awhile since i've purchased cologne...what are some of good ones out there now? i'm thinking of of getting cartier's declaration or givenchy xerius red..but can't decide



Senior member
Sep 17, 2000
I may get some Hugo from there; so that's also my recommendation. a very "clean & sweet" smell; very strong & oil based so you don't have to apply much and it lasts. 'course it's one of the more pricey ones on the site, so maybe should check in a store and see if you like it.

ps. and Don't get Hugo aftershave; it's just too strong, so you can't put enough on your face to be soothing without giving you and everyone around you a headache. still a great scent, but get the spritzer bottle.