Net neutrality is not affected as far as I can tell? T-Mobile is on record saying the door is open for every content provider. An "all-comers" policy is plainly nondiscriminatory. And "video provider" is a sufficiently general category that everyone understands.
You are correct.
It was stated that Youtube wasn't part of the launch because this was a short timeline project.
Legere said this is open to any video streaming service that wants to make use of it - there are just Protocol interface requirements to get this to work.
He said if Youtube asks him, his answer is already yes.
I'm sure TMO is working in the background with a lot of Providers. It just like the Music streaming - they launched with a handful and now provide probably 90% or so of the Providers.
You can turn the App on or off, it's your choice.
On, you get and optimized 480p+ stream and no Data usage on your account.
Off, you get whatever xxxxp you can pull down, but it will be counted against your Data.
There's no Throttling, Shaping, or QoS being used here.
I've seen the 480p+ (I use + because there's some cool optimization going on) :
Same Movie scenes/ same Phone Model . . . I picked the 480p+ as the HD stream.
Too me it looked better, and really, on Smartphone screen 480p DPI is really sharp.