Hey folks,
As a part time job I work as an actor on a few shows. Yesterday I was playing the role of this girls brother, on a TV debuting this fall called 'The Mountain'.
Anyways this chick was absolutely unbelievable, I got a few pictures taken with her and I got her name. So I was looking up some more information about the show when I clicked on her name to get a bit of her acting background on IMDB. Here's her IMDB profile.
From there I was directed to her site [her site and discovered she had been in maxim.
Here's her maxim site.
Proof that I do have pictures with this girl
And me on a good day.ME
This girl is absolutely stunning, I think she's gonna go places. On top of that she was SO nice and polite
As a part time job I work as an actor on a few shows. Yesterday I was playing the role of this girls brother, on a TV debuting this fall called 'The Mountain'.
Anyways this chick was absolutely unbelievable, I got a few pictures taken with her and I got her name. So I was looking up some more information about the show when I clicked on her name to get a bit of her acting background on IMDB. Here's her IMDB profile.
From there I was directed to her site [her site and discovered she had been in maxim.
Here's her maxim site.
Proof that I do have pictures with this girl
And me on a good day.ME
This girl is absolutely stunning, I think she's gonna go places. On top of that she was SO nice and polite