I moved into a new twin home with the works two years ago. We have been cleaning, ripping,repainting,etcc from the house since then because it was pretty much falling apart. The original price of the house is 250k and we got it for 85k so you can guess how bad it was.
So anyway after two years of self construction work I stopped and noticed two weird looking boxes hanging inside the laundry room. I always saw them but never paid mind to them until now.
So i decide to take one down and to my surprise its a freaking fire alarm. Now when these were made is beyond me but I think they must be the originals when the house was built and the house is about 65 years old.
These things are huge and heavy. They do not even use batteries. They use some type of mercuryr type liquid and when theres a fire the tank in the inside containing god knows what...uses this trumpet like device connected to it to make some noise. I have no idea how it works since i didnt put a match next to it to try it out.
Now to the part everyone wants................................PICS which i took in my house...Du'h!...anyway..
This brings me to the question...anyone else seen these in old houses?
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Edit: Yes i know some of the pics are blurry. So you wont be able to read some of the text. not that its important to you. All it has is a serial number and stuff.
So anyway after two years of self construction work I stopped and noticed two weird looking boxes hanging inside the laundry room. I always saw them but never paid mind to them until now.
So i decide to take one down and to my surprise its a freaking fire alarm. Now when these were made is beyond me but I think they must be the originals when the house was built and the house is about 65 years old.
These things are huge and heavy. They do not even use batteries. They use some type of mercuryr type liquid and when theres a fire the tank in the inside containing god knows what...uses this trumpet like device connected to it to make some noise. I have no idea how it works since i didnt put a match next to it to try it out.
Now to the part everyone wants................................PICS which i took in my house...Du'h!...anyway..
This brings me to the question...anyone else seen these in old houses?
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Edit: Yes i know some of the pics are blurry. So you wont be able to read some of the text. not that its important to you. All it has is a serial number and stuff.