Originally posted by: FoBoT
Originally posted by: InlineFour
Originally posted by: FoBoT
beep, beep?
yes, and she continued to back up, not even turning her head around.
that happened to me in a parking lot also, store parking lot
it was pretty early in the morning and i was in my small car, saturn SC-1 and i was behind one of those large chevy vans. the guy just stops in the middle of the lane (not a spot) and starts to backup. i get a little panicked and lay on the horn thinking " if i beep my horn, he wont' hit me" , uh NOT! dude backed right into my front bumper. the trailer hitch punched a nice hole in my plastic bumper
dude had no insurance, but i sent him the estimate and he gave me a check for $500, so i was lucky