hi flow waterpump high flow water block


Junior Member
Mar 6, 2005
second time post.

Hi ive bin doing a lot of researching on highflow pumps and blocks
that im not shure what to get.
And im looking for a quality pump and water block setup for a AMD64 DFI ULTRA,nf4.
right now i got a 3200+ but will be changing to dual core when they come out.
im just looking for some other opinions and what they would get.


Elite Member
Feb 19, 2001
there are a lot of premade kits from makers such as koolance ( check out this webpage http://www.svc.com/watercoolingkits.html )

or you can custom build yours...

which will rquire a water block, tubing, radiator, fan, pump, etc...

as for high pump high flow block... i'm not quite sure how you're defining "high flow"

links to the block?

for a pump, lots of people would recommend the Eheim series... i however use this http://www.dtekcustoms.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=33

it is less than half the price and pushes 370gph


Senior member
Nov 25, 2000
cooltechnia has some good stuff.

for the pump you will want a swiftech mcp 600 or an mcp 350.

for the cpu waterblock you can either go with the swiftech mcw6000 (or 6002 for 1/2 id tube) or you can get the danger den TDX

for the radiator it depends on what room you have. you can get a black ice extreme or something. or a heatercore from the various people selling them.

for a reservoir i suggest the swiftech poly one. that thing is leakproof.

for tubing I would go with the tygon 3603.

cooltechnia pretty much has all this so I would recommend them for buying everything.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2004
Frankly, your options are all over the map. Danger Den is always a good bet, but Swiftechs are also great performers; so are Asetek's Waterchill Antarctica and Dtek's Whitewater, plus a few more that aren't coming to mind right now. Ditto for the pumps, though those can be mated to the appropriate block; for example the TDX performs best with a high-pressure pump. I think a bit more information -- budget, case, goal, etc. -- might help before we can make any real recommendations.


:edit: Should mention that I'm goofy drunk right now, so if anything here is way off the mark please feel more than free to say so....


Junior Member
Mar 6, 2005
Originally posted by: HeaterCore
Frankly, your options are all over the map. Danger Den is always a good bet, but Swiftechs are also great performers; so are Asetek's Waterchill Antarctica and Dtek's Whitewater, plus a few more that aren't coming to mind right now. Ditto for the pumps, though those can be mated to the appropriate block; for example the TDX performs best with a high-pressure pump. I think a bit more information -- budget, case, goal, etc. -- might help before we can make any real recommendations.


:edit: Should mention that I'm goofy drunk right now, so if anything here is way off the mark please feel more than free to say so....

its not goofy at all.Do you want one more.:beer:

This is what http://w
ww.frozencpu.com/images/products/detail_hires/ex-pmp-26.jpg for a pump.

And for water blocks im looking at DDen silver tdx block or the silver rbx block.
I all ready own a black ice extreme 2 radiator chrome with two chrome 120mm fans.
from my other water cooling setup.
if there is a better water block could you link me same goes for pump.:)


Jan 26, 2005
Get the aqua extreme 50z from cooltechnica.com, Cathar seems to think it is about the best pump out and frankly he know more than all of us. It is great because if you need more flow you can do a 13.8 volt mod wich will give you considerably more flow.


Junior Member
Mar 6, 2005
Thanks to all. I went with the aqua extreme 50z for my water pump and a tdx silver for my water block.