Hey, please rate the hardware in this system


May 27, 2001
I'm choosing a computer system for around $800 (shipped) for my cousin and here's what I come up with:

www.internetishop.com : AMD XP 1800 (1.53GHz) DVD+CDRW Gamer System(Product #: VTX-GA1800-BXP)
Link: http://www.internetishop.com/product_detail.asp?main_cat_no=DT&sub_cat_no=01&item=VTX-GA1800-BXP

He wants it primarily for emails, chat, and typing for college. He also likes the idea of a sound system, and from what people have told me, this speaker set is pretty nice (he likes rap too..). I chose this over everything because it had a separate video card and sound card - uncommon in most manufactured PCs in the $800 range. Gaming is not even a priority, so I figure if he wants to run a couple games like Diablo 2 or something, he'll be okay with this. It'll work at the very least. He is moving from an 8-year-old 100mhz 32MB RAM 1.6 Gig of HD Gateway, so I think this will please him.

Processor: AMD XP 1800+ (w/ fan)
-Plenty fast
Motherboard: Gigabyte Dual BIOS DDR (MB-HB-GA-7DXP)
-Has lots of expandibility, AGP 4x, Pro support I believe. Not USB 2.0 compliant, but if he needs to, I understand you can get a PCI Slotted version of it
Memory: Brandname 512 MB of DDRAM
-Almost overkill, but more is better, right?
HD: Upgrading from a 40 GB to 80 GB for about $40, 7200 RPM
-Things take up more and more memory, I figure its a good deal to just double it for only $40 now rather than later.
DVD-ROM: Samsung 16x Internal
-Hey, why not, comes with the system
CD-RW: Samsung 24x/10x/40x Internal
-He wants the ability to burn CDs, kinda standard now, comes with system
Video Card: nVidia GeForce2 MX200 64MB
-It'll keep him running with some of today's games, as I said, not a big gamer. Only needed for DVDs.
Sound Card: SoundBlaster Live! 5.1
-For his speakers
Speakers: 1000W 5-piece system
-Supposedly has good bass response, loud enough for a single room I should hope!
Includes 10/100 Ethernet card, 56k Modem, Keyboard, Mouse, and 1 year warranty. He has a 1-year old monitor for it.

Should I tell him to add XP for $100 or take his old Windows 98 CD key and give it to them to put in the system? (from the system they are replacing)

Is this a good deal for $800 shipped? I think it is. ($725 base price) I've heard good things about internetishop, and I can only hope that its true. This is my neck on the line, I hope it goes well ;)

Thanks guys!