Hey Environmentalists, congrats! One of your groups just got named as the #1 domestic terrorist organization by the FBI


Sep 6, 2000
Story link

Way to go, tree-huggers and "friends of the earth!" You always said you'd reach the top someday... Momma would be so proud of you

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
There are extremes in everything. Trying to lump all environmentalists in with this group is dumb. Thats like trying to say that everyone who believes in religion wants to crash planes into buildings.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2001

<< There are extremes in everything. Trying to lump all environmentalists in with this group is dumb. Thats like trying to say that everyone who believes in religion wants to crash planes into buildings. >>

Couldn't have said it better myself...


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Way to go, tree-huggers and "friends of the earth!" You always said you'd reach the top someday... Momma would be so proud of you

ROTFLMAO at your statement. :)


Jul 16, 2001
The MTBE poision in the gas is clear example of enviro.terrorism. And now it's in the water/food chain and not from underground leaking tanks but from products of combustion from gas.


Apr 22, 2000
From The Article;
"and against mankind as an illicit intruder on earth. "

If they honestly belive this then the only honorable action would be to remove themselves from the earth. I volunteer to help.;)


Sep 6, 2000

<< There are extremes in everything. Trying to lump all environmentalists in with this group is dumb. >>

"Exaggeration for effect."

I understand that, and realize that not everyone who thinks that clean air and water are a good idea is going to go around blowing stuff up in the name of Mother Earth. This is the lunatic fringe we're talking about here, however.

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999

<< I understand that, and realize that not everyone who thinks that clean air and water are a good idea is going to go around blowing stuff up in the name of Mother Earth. This is the lunatic fringe we're talking about here, however. >>

If you understand that then why try and troll or flambait with the thread title?


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2001

<< If you understand that then why try and troll or flambait with the thread title? >>



Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001
[Nelson] Haha! [/Nelson]


<< The group, which is loosely affiliated with the Animal Liberation Front, is more than just tree-hugging and fluff, however. >>

Animal Liberation Front... Ugh, we have those whackos in Finland :disgust:. Talk about bunch on nut-jobs! They are just about only terrorist-ogranisation we have here. So far they have sabotaged McDonals restaurants, attacked installations that do animal-testing, they have attacked farms where they raise animals for their fur and they have burned down a slaughterhouse.

They screwed up big-time though when they attacked the home of a researcher. They broke the windows and wrote anti-animal testing slogans on the walls. Reason being that according to ALF, that researcher was involved in animal-testing. Yes he was involved in animal-testing. He was researching for way to reduce the number of animal-tests! Way to go ALF!


Oct 9, 1999

<< There are extremes in everything. Trying to lump all environmentalists in with this group is dumb. Thats like trying to say that everyone who believes in religion wants to crash planes into buildings. >>

well said


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
You think they're bad...............here's their "sister" organization, ALF and a few paragraphs from their page...................

  • Getting Started
    Before you even think about undertaking any action, read. Know this guide inside and out. Before you do anything youd better know how to do it right, or you may wind up in a lot of trouble. As with anything, the first time is the hardest. So start small. If your first action is a liberation of a large laboratory with high security you are going to have problems. Start by gluing locks or some spray paint. You can go about finding a target a few ways. First, you may want to decide what kind of establishment you want to target - a fur shop, a butcher shop, a factory farm or slaughterhouse, or maybe a fast food restaurant? If you are planning on getting involved in direct action you are hopefully already aware of various animal rights issues and probably know where and how to find whichever kind of abuser you want to target. Your local animal rights group is probably aware of abusers in the area, but keep in mind that local animal rights groups are the first people the police will question. The easiest way to find a target is to let your fingers do the walking. A phone book can direct you to all your local fur shops, butcher shops, etc. If fast food restaurants are your goal, you can't go down the street without seeing one. Locations of fur farms can be found in The Final Nail. Once youve begun and know what you are doing, go big. The more attacks you take part in the more likely it gets that you will get caught, so be sure that when you hit you hit hard.

Read The "Rest Of The Story".................


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2000
[Nelson] Haha! [/Nelson]

What I don't understand is why a group like the KKK is not considered a terrorist organization? What the hell do they promote than hatred? I'll take "tree-huggers" over the retarded redneck a$$holes of the KKK


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
"What I don't understand is why a group like the KKK is not considered a terrorist organization? What the hell do they promote than hatred? I'll take "tree-huggers" over the retarded redneck a$$holes of the KKK"

I don't support the KKK in anyway and I hate to defend them especially since I'm in an inter-racial marriage but...

Technically, the KKK hasn't promoted the destruction of property and lives for a number of years. They are mainly about protesting, demonstrations, and white supremacy. The environmental group mentioned in the article is clearly advocating the destruction of property and/or lives. That is the difference.

The KKK is not even close to the level of organization and sophistication they achieved during the 40s, 50s and 60s. That was their heyday and it is long past.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Way to go, tree-huggers and "friends of the earth!" You always said you'd reach the top someday... Momma would be so proud of you

ROTFLMAO at your statement. :)

Ditto :D


Golden Member
Oct 13, 2000

<< There are extremes in everything. Trying to lump all environmentalists in with this group is dumb. Thats like trying to say that everyone who believes in religion wants to crash planes into buildings. >>

The reason way they are listed as terrorist is because they blow up logging buildings and spike trees, they cause the logging millions of dollars of damage a year, and not to mention the loss of human life. (btw, spiking trees is when somebody buries a metal stake into a tree, and when the loggers process the tree at the logging mill, the metal spike flys out and breaks into many pieces. Many have died from this.)

btw: this is nothing new. The FBI has declared certain environmentalist groups of being terrorists long before 9/11.


Jun 5, 2001

<< [Nelson] Haha! [/Nelson]


<< The group, which is loosely affiliated with the Animal Liberation Front, is more than just tree-hugging and fluff, however. >>

Animal Liberation Front... Ugh, we have those whackos in Finland :disgust:. Talk about bunch on nut-jobs! They are just about only terrorist-ogranisation we have here. So far they have sabotaged McDonals restaurants, attacked installations that do animal-testing, they have attacked farms where they raise animals for their fur and they have burned down a slaughterhouse.

They screwed up big-time though when they attacked the home of a researcher. They broke the windows and wrote anti-animal testing slogans on the walls. Reason being that according to ALF, that researcher was involved in animal-testing. Yes he was involved in animal-testing. He was researching for way to reduce the number of animal-tests! Way to go ALF!

Learn something new every day. I honestly didn't know they were that big of a hassle in countries like Finland!

Do they hit local Fast Food joints too?

These youngins missed the 60s and they need a cause.

Same thing over and over again. The 60s sprung up from Fat and Happy Americans and others in the world enjoying a healthy world evonomy in the 40s and 50s and didn't mind spending gobs of money on their kids. Kids got bored and out came the 60s. The 80s and 90s these new kids had the same kind of life and same money situation and out comes the enviromental wako groups with a vast majority of members in their 20s. These kids are just bored and as long as mommy and daddy keep the money flowing, they will keep looking for a cause.

My favorite story about these rich kids was a protest of 20 somethings against all forms of technology. Yet when they were arrested every single one had at least one cellphone and one credit card on them.


Jun 5, 2001

<< They're no better or worse than the "pro-life" Army of God. >>

So that excuses their actions because some other group on the other side of the political sphere has done it too?


Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999

<< The reason way they are listed as terrorist is because they blow up logging buildings and spike trees, they cause the logging millions of dollars of damage a year, and not to mention the loss of human life. (btw, spiking trees is when somebody buries a metal stake into a tree, and when the loggers process the tree at the logging mill, the metal spike flys out and breaks into many pieces. Many have died from this.) >>

I know that. I worked in a sawmill for 5 years. The amount of logs that are spiked that cause problems in sawmills is tiny compared to the ones that are full of bullets from redknecks having target practice, farmers nailing fences to them, Horse shoes growing inside of them over the years and log dogs from the logging industry themselves. Are they all terrorists also?

The metal does not spit out and break into many pieces either. 9/10 the saw cuts right through it and just dulls/damages the blades or bits. The odd time it will wreak the saw. We hid nails probably twice a day and we were a small mill.

The point I was making was not they were not terrorists but they do not speak for all environmentalists.

Off topic. You haven't seen anything till you see a 4 foot headsaw hit a horse-shoe burried in a tree. It spits the bits and shankes of the saw like bullets and makes bullet like star breaks in the sawer cab glass. I've seen more than a few brutal scars on the old-timers from metal in the wood.


Apr 2, 2001
Just because someone is an Environmentalist does NOT make this one of their groups.
Saying that is like saying if your Catholic you condone and or practice child molestation because some priests have done (and continue to do) this.
Or that if you own a computer, you your a hacker, and agree with everything THEY have done.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Just because someone is an Environmentalist does NOT make this one of their groups.
Saying that is like saying if your Catholic you condone and or practice child molestation because some priests have done (and continue to do) this.
Or that if you own a computer, you your a hacker, and agree with everything THEY have done.

And just because someone attacks the nutjob group that is listed doesn't mean they hate all enviromentalists.

You're asking others not to speak in generalities when you are doing it yourself.