Originally posted by: Fausto
Originally posted by: rh71
RE: the white/black issue.. I think people need to stop looking at race and just stick with culture. I guess you can apply that to this homo/hetero thing also... but I wish the gays would stop flaunting this "gay & proud" stuff... I really couldn't care less what you are.
Right, but plenty of people **cough**therepublicanparty**cough** go out of their way to publicly condemn gayness; the "I'm gay and proud" thing is a reaction to that. There was no such thing as Pride Parades until after the Stonewall riots (which were provoked by constant police raids on gay bars).
I never understood politics - call me naive or whatever... you have these 2 major parties who have their beliefs and way of doing things. If I were a democrat, I'd be voting for the democratic nominee...
but that just means I'm voting for "my team", and not necessarily for their beliefs or what the individual has planned for the country. Same applies to things like this... if you say the republican party is suppressing gays... and I happened to be republican for other reasons, does that mean I'm anti-gay ? Should I be ? The republican dude on my left... what does he think about gays ?
I think the Republican vs. Democrat (or any other "party") s#!t is so pointless. Just vote for the best liar ... err... I mean man for the job. Why are they stamped with "republican", "democrat", or otherwise ? Is this what democracy is about ? Choosing teams ?