I recently installed DD-WRT on my WRT54GL and now my connection is randomly dropping out completely. I am unable to connect to websites or ping IP addresses. One odd thing I noticed is that whenever this problem occurs, my computer is using the router as its primary DNS server.
When I go to a command prompt and type "ipconfig /all", the first DNS server listed is the router's LAN IP address, and the next 3 entries are the 3 DNS servers I specified in the "Static DNS 1", "Static DNS 2", and "Static DNS 3" entries in the router's setup page.
I thought I disabled anything related to DNS in the router's settings, so I am not sure why this is occuring. My connection was always rock solid before I changed firmware, so I am almost positive that DD-WRT is somehow responsible.
When I go to a command prompt and type "ipconfig /all", the first DNS server listed is the router's LAN IP address, and the next 3 entries are the 3 DNS servers I specified in the "Static DNS 1", "Static DNS 2", and "Static DNS 3" entries in the router's setup page.
I thought I disabled anything related to DNS in the router's settings, so I am not sure why this is occuring. My connection was always rock solid before I changed firmware, so I am almost positive that DD-WRT is somehow responsible.