Help with overclocking a 2400+ mobile


Jul 5, 2004
I have an Asus A7N8X-Deluxe rev 1.04 with the 1008 bios from the Asus webiste. My problem is that when I tried using 200x11 with 1.75 vcore, it would get to the windows loading screen then all of a sudden the pc would reboot. I tried 190x11 with the same vcore and again the pc would reboot at the windows loading screen. I have 512MB PC3200 Samsung ram and a 400watt Fortron psu. Also what are these Uber bios that I've seen people talk about. Are they the same bios from the Asus website or are they different? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
You'll need to see what is holding you back. First, try running the CPU at default (1.45v, 13.5x133=1800MHz ???). That's just to verify that you got a properly working CPU. Then, try running it at the default CPU speed, but with the higher FSB (9x200=1800MHz). That will leave your CPU speed alone, but test out your motherboard and RAM.

If it passes the 200MHz FSB test, then start increasing the multiplier and voltage until it stops working properly.

If it doesn't pass the 200MHz FSB test, then try 11x166=1833MHz. If that passes, then start increasing multiplier and voltage until it stops working properly.

If it doesn't pass the 200MHz FSB test, you can also try to narrow down the problem by underclocking the RAM. If it passes, then RAM needs looser timings and/or higher voltage. If underclocked RAM still doesn't let you hit 200MHz FSB, then you may need to do a pin mod to tell the motherboard that you have an official 200MHz FSB CPU. Some boards are picky about that.


Jul 5, 2004
Well this cpu's stock voltage is 5.75. Thats what I see in my bios. Then to make things worse, this motherboard overvolts, which brings the voltage to 1.6. Im running stable at 180x12 at 1.7vcore. Ran Prime95 for 2 hours and it passed. Maybe I should just leave it that.


Junior Member
Aug 17, 2004
I have the same board and revision as you and have had a little more luck than you but had problems with the fsb as well. Basically from all of the reading I've done it sounds as if 1.xx revisions of this board are hit or miss at 200 Mhz(or close to). Not until Rev 2.0 did it officially support 200Mhz bus. I decided to order a Shuttle A35N Ultra board from new egg for $55. I hate to buy a mother board with the same chipset and even less features as my A7N8X but I want to get all I can out of this chip.