I built an AMD 1.2ghz system recently and had enormous probs with it...found out my V5 was not able to do hardware accel all of a sudden...I have run it at default cpu and memory speeds and V5 is not o/c...it runs 2D fine...but all 3D crashes...it can not even run directx hardware accel test consistently....now I have moved the card around but I am always careful about static...
I moved the card back to my piii system and same problem is present 2D fine no 3D hardware acceleration.....lockups up
I have tried different drivers and 3dfx tools even tried drivers only...no 3dfx tools same problem...
any ideas????
I moved the card back to my piii system and same problem is present 2D fine no 3D hardware acceleration.....lockups up
I have tried different drivers and 3dfx tools even tried drivers only...no 3dfx tools same problem...
any ideas????